View Full Version : I've finally admitted this can't go on

13-09-12, 20:33
Hi, i want to say thank you first of all - I've followed this site for a while now and gleaned so much reassurance from many of the posts and have finally plucked up the courage to register. i have crippling health anxiety and it's ruining my life. Today I had a morning of tests at the breast clinic - it was horrible and I thought I was going to have a panic attack a couple of times, but the wonderful news is that I got the all-clear. So I should be on cloud 9 right? Don't get me wrong, I am beyond grateful to receive that news. It's just that my ghastly mind manages to twist things - so now I'm worried they missed something or that I'm going to get a call saying they got it wrong. It's so real and I hate it so much. I can't tell anyone really because my poor family and close friends just can't cope anymore. I can't either. Please, please can someone help me. I know there's nothing anyone can say really, but if anyone out there has any tips that have worked to bring this under control, please please help. THank you so much x

13-09-12, 20:56
Hi Sunshine

Welcome:) and wonderful news about your positive tests results:yesyes:

You will gain so much from being on here, we are all here because of our HA, so there will be lots of people knowing what you are going through.

I don't know about you, but I feel we don't give ourselves the chance to be happy, we are given great news like you were today and yet it's like we deny ourselves the right, by thinking negatively...how odd are we:blush:??

Pull up a chair, and fire away with any questions you might have.

Be kind to yourself:)


13-09-12, 22:06

Thank you so much for your reply. Just hearing another person understand has brought tears to my eyes! i find it very hard to be kind to myself because I hate the way I seem to react to everything. It's almost as if my brain has a life of its own and I want so much to rein it back in! I feel like I'm so lucky and yet wasting my life and that's not right. Sometimes I feel as though I can't take much more and I have to change because I certainly don't want this transmitting to my children (they're only three). thank you so much to everyone on this site - you are very brave and other people are helped such a lot by your kindness x

13-09-12, 23:12
Sunshine are you on any medication for your anxiety?


Trish x

14-09-12, 06:49
ive got terrible health anxiety! honestly, i thought about my health 24/7. it was ruining my life, and my kids and my hubbys!! i was put on just 5ml escalipram? (however you spell it) ive been on it 4 months now! and feel GREAT!! ive NEVER felt better! honestly!! my dr even says i just look like im in a happier place!!! life is fun xx

14-09-12, 13:52
Hi Sunshine, there is a way out, for me Yoga helped tremendously, but I still feel a bit like an alcoholic who gets relapses.
Only the relapses seem to happen less and less often (it used to be one problem a week now it's one a year).
All the best to you, well done for trying to get better, I know my kids definitely pick up on my anxiety (like I picked up on my dad's anxiety), so it's really important to do something to break the cycle.