View Full Version : Throat palptations

13-09-12, 21:41
Hi all

I'm new to this forum and always found it very helpful when reading so thought I'd join.

I would be interested to hear from anyone who suffers with throat palpitations. I suffer with these constantly and get them at least once a day. I get sudden thumping feeling in my throat and it lasts literally seconds and then it goes away. I get sudden fear as if I'm about to die and when the palpitations stop, I am left feelng very scared. This happens every time and I've them for a few years now.

I have been to my doctor and had countless ECGs - all of course normal - and I am now waiting to see a cardiologist to have a holtor monitor fitted. I am convinced there is something wrong with my heart.

The reason being that I get these palpitations when lying down on my right side or when I'm bending down to pick something up or just generally doing the housework and I'm obsessed with the positional problem being an underlying heart problem.

I also sometimes (not at the same time as palpitations) get acid reflux and a burning sensation in my throat and this sometimes causes a lump in my throat feeling and a burning sensation. I don't know why this happens :(

I've also recently began having aches around my chin.

I would love to know if anyone else has this as it's really ruining my life.



14-09-12, 00:04
I can't really tell you a whole lot about what to do about this but I can tell you that I have the EXACT same thing. I don't have them every day but I just had an episode this week of the throat palpitations. I also get them laying on my right side and bending down too. I have also had all the cardio tests and everything is good. I have explained the throat thing to my gp and cardiologist and they don't seem to really get it which has always baffled me. I would think they would have seen this before.

My cardio just says to ignore them, not to check my pulse and to keep exercising.

I have had this for years and it hasn't killed me yet so try to listen to your doctor and ignore them.


14-09-12, 14:52
I know I am really hoping it is just anxiety because it has become an obsession of mine!

Just now, for example, I turned my head quite quickly and I got like this pain and thump in my throat so now I'm thinking it's an esoephagal (sp?!) problem :(

Can stomach acid come up and erode your esophagus?

If this is all just anxiety, what can I do to help it? Im seeing a counsellor but I don't knwo how to stop the throat problem :(

14-09-12, 15:22
hi there i dont no what im getting but feels like spasms or quick palps in bottom of throat-or neck for like minute here and there most days in the notch area ? right at bottom and i keep getting chest pain aswell dunno if its all anxiety so tense or maybe reflux gerd dunno.. had few ecg,s that showed nothing really ect ..