View Full Version : Light/short menstrual periods, breast enlargement, exhaustion

14-09-12, 03:32
I started prozac about a month ago. A few days after I started, I got my period, and it was 2-3 days of blood clots (but no other "regular" bleeding) and 4 days of gross dark brown discharge. This month, it started off brown, then turned red...I'm on day two and have had some minor clots and very little blood. Usually the second day of my period is like a Tarantino movie!

Also, for my first bout of ovulation and PMS on this drug, my breasts ballooned up and got extremely painful. While this is normal for some women, it's not for me.

I'm also exhausted all the time. I can sleep all day and all night.

I got my hormones checked last Thursday and the results were all normal. I also got a pregnancy test which was negative. I have no memory of ever having sex with a man but I've been having lots of pregnancy symptoms (bloating, increased sense of smell, heartburn) and I got scared that I did something and blocked it out. OCD thoughts suck.

Could this be Prozac-related? I googled around and found some people saying that it caused late or skipped periods, but nothing like I'm describing. And of course it's not a listed side effect anywhere but...what is, you know?

I also thought it might be related to Zoloft withdrawal because my first period after I started tapering that drug was unusually short as well, but not quite as weird.

29-09-12, 06:37
Hey there :)
I went off cymbalta and went to prozac 12 weeks ago, and my periods have been all crazy too. My first cycle on prozac was spotty and weird and my boobs hurt and I took a pregnancy test too! (negative). The second one was a little more normal but still spotty and short. Now, I believe this is my 3 third cycle and things seem to back in working order as usual. I guess its some weird side effect, hope your feeling better :)