View Full Version : Highly depressed and paranoid.

14-09-12, 05:51
I feel highly depressed, my stat goes from somewhat happy to really low where I feel like I'm getting buried in a hole and can't escape. I can't pull a positive emotion out of me and I feel highly negative and want to just die.

I also feel paranoid, I thought someone was going to break in all day and kill me.
I don't know why but my mind feels like its wondering and i can't control it anymore.

Please someone help if you can.


14-09-12, 08:54
Hi Are you on any medication? With anxiety and depression your moods can change so much. last night I was just wanting to die but woke this morning feeling more positive. It is the most awful feeling we can overcome it with help. have you had any counselling like CBT? That has helped me to turn my negative thoughts into more positive ones. Try to do something constructive to distract you from your negative thoughts. Elle-kay on this site started doing craft activities yesterday and has made some lovely cards it has distracted her from her worries. :hugs::hugs:

14-09-12, 09:15
You're right I have no hobby, I don't work nor do I have friends.

I think negative all day and night (night time is the worse)

I do play video games but rarely and never get out because of my anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

I wish I had someone to hug. My family doesn't offer support unless its yelling at me telling me I'm going crazy.

:hugs: i really feel like i need human interaction with someone who can make me feel better D:

14-09-12, 09:38
Do you think maybe you could enroll on some sort of course at college? I know it is stressful to start with but it would help you to interact more with people. Sending you virtual :hugs::hugs: