View Full Version : mitre valve prolapse

14-09-12, 06:59
Hi, I had a heart murmur when I was younger and my mum said I attended hospital every now and then to get checked out, I think the last time I was checked was about ten so I assuming all must have been ok because there was no more appointments or mention of it, just recently I have been very anxious about my health and I have been getting palpitations which I have put down to anxiety, but now I'm thinking what if this murmur is getting worse or something else! Is this the medical name for it? I'm seeing doc next week would he be able to tell if all ok by stethoscope? X

14-09-12, 07:15
if you are serious worried about your heart. Go and see a normal doctor do not be embarrassed if it is just anxiety! If there is any doubt they will take action quickly. If they do not, then do not worry. If they recommend more tests that is routine! They would send you to hospital quickly if it was serious. They not want the legal implications of ignoring something let alone the moral side of things.

I do not think anyone can give you serious specific definitive medical advice over the internet regarding you own individual issue (like your one) too many variables, you need to see a professional and trust them.

You are still able to type a post, your doing ok, try to stay calm to think about something else (easier said than done) you know anxiety will make you feel worse, the feeling worse will make you feel worse and could explain heart concerns - go and get checked out by a normal GP today, so you don't have to keep worrying!

Disclaimer: Just my thoughts and I am no expert!

:-) x

14-09-12, 09:12
My daughter had the same thing, they discovered it with a normal stetoscope so I am sure a "normal" doctor can check your heart.
My daughter had an ultrasound to make sure there was nothing serious (and everything was ok!), so with the stetoscope they do hear also small things that are not to worry about.

14-09-12, 09:33
Hi, thank you both for replying, its only been past few months i been having palpitations and feel dizzy, a couple of times had an odd pain in chest and thought anxiety as was feeling low at the time, but it also got me thinking about the heart murmur if it could be a sign its serious! i got an appointment for wednesday only one i could get with the doc i like and trust, everything going round my head just now cause i been having bother with noticeable bulging sore veins and therefore think its to do with my heart now! :(