View Full Version : Feel like I'm falling off my chair!

14-09-12, 10:41
Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone else ever has a feeling as though they are about to fall off their chair?! Sometimes I'll be sitting here at my desk looking at something on my PC and I'll suddenly be overcome by a feeling that I'm going to fall backwards or pass out. It eases as soon as I stop what I'm doing and try and snap myself out of it. I'm pretty sure it's an anxiety symptom, but it's so annoying. I'm surprised no one's noticed at work and wondered why I'm suddenly jerking forward, trying not to fall!

I get it when I'm at a restaurant too, I can't sit in the middle, I have to sit in a corner or against a wall, otherwise I'll get the same feeling. I know this sounds strange, but would love to know if anyone else experiences this! I don't get it at home (which is my safe place), it's only at work or when in public. Look forward to hearing! x

14-09-12, 10:55
Hi Joanna
I think i know what you mean, what i feel is like a dropping sensation, like the ground has suddenly dropped an inch or two, at the same time my vision goes funny, like i can see that everything around me has "dropped"
If im sitting down its like i have dropped into the chair or sofa, and i get it often if standing in a queue or standing with a few people chatting.
Its horrible!!!!! Is that the same kinda thing??
At the top of the page is a search function, if you search for dropping sensation you will find a few threads that have been started with people describing the same kinda thing.
Linda x

14-09-12, 11:21
Yeah that's exactly what it's like. I hate walking in big spaces too, feel like I'm going to topple over. For example, I can't walk right through the middle of an empty car park, I have to go around the edge. It's like I need support! And when I'm walking down a road, I have to keep close to the shops or houses, being in the middle of anything freaks me out. And I HATE people walking behind me. That brings it on too. I have to stop, pretend I'm looking for something in my bag and let them walk past.

I also hate standing up in a bar talking to people, I can feel my legs shaking and worry I'm going to faint. I thought at first it was just when I was wearing heels, but it happens in flat shoes too.

Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look at those threads too, I had no idea what to search under before, you can't really call it anything! x

14-09-12, 11:24
I get this! I get this feeling that I'm walking on a boat too. When I get dizzy at my desk. I panic about the sensation and get the adrenaline rush and feel dizzier! This resulted in me taking time off. So I really admire that you are tolerating this! X

14-09-12, 11:28
Me too, the panic makes it 10 times worse, even though it only lasts a few seconds. It comes and goes - I can be ok for a few weeks and then boom, I'm falling! Well, not literally, but I feel like I am. It's happened once today already and now I'm on the edge of my seat, leaning over my desk, hoping it won't happen again! x

28-03-15, 22:37
I kind of have this too, like a falling sensation which makes you feel unsteady on my chair.. does anyone know of anything which can be done for this? !