View Full Version : Is it possible to have a neck tumor invading spine without neck pain

14-09-12, 14:21
The title of my post may seem crazy but I am really struggling at the moment and I could use some 3rd party guidance from those that won't judge. I have been a long time smoker off and on and I am still trying to quit. For months I have been having pain and some weakness in my left hand and arm and lots of bicep twitching. I have been to a physical therapist and she did some stretching of the arm and determined that my left index finger and thumb are weaker than they should be. What I am really worried about is that I have had problems with left ear pain, and frequent but not constant pain on left side of my neck near the jaw line. I get feeling of something stuck in my throat every now and then too. I don't have a cough. I am just so worried that I have a tumor in there and that it is invading the nerves in my neck. The thing is, I don't have any pain when moving my neck in any direction. So I ask, what do you guys think. Thanks in advance for the response.

14-09-12, 15:55
That doesn't sound very likely... It could be many things according to your symptoms, and one of the most obvious would be a temporomandibular joint (TMJ ) syndrome caused/worsened by anxiety.
Tensions from anxiety & stress take their toll on our neck and shoulders. I used to experience all sorts of pains and weird sensations running from my neck to my arms, shoulders and head.

ps: if being a smoker makes you worried about your health, you really should quit for good, it will help with anxiety in general too (am a former smoker and noticed the difference).