View Full Version : No no no no NO!!

14-09-12, 15:40
Well guys. I haven't posted in a week and a half because I have been great! No symptoms besides minor tension head aches. Well.. My streak is over sadly. This morning I was playing volley ball in gym class with the guys and the ball was way over my head but I jumped and tryed to hit it and missed and fell over haha. But as soon as I got up. I was seeing fire flies/lightning bugs! It was weird! All i saw was quick flashes of light. I was scared out of my mind. I was in a state of panic. I went into the locker room and called my mom and told her to get me the hell out of there! She didn't of course, so i continued on to 2nd period. In English class I was still in a state of panic. All of a sudden I felt like my tongue was falling asleep almost. I was even more scared because i read that that can mean stroke. Which a lot of you know i'm terrified of. I quickly texted my dad and I couldn't even spell! I kept messing up words and nothing made any sense and for sure I was wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I quickly got up, left the room without a pass, and wen't down to the nurse and told her that I didn't know what the hell was happening to me and she just told me to take a breather like everyone else. I told my guidence counseler that I was getting a migraine and it wasn't going to be pretty in an hour and I had to get the hell out of school. My dad came and got me, thank god. So now here I am, typing this when I should be in school. Oh well I was too scared to be in school. Has anyone ever seen fire flies or lightning bugs randomly? Or little flashes of light in your vision? I could really use some help on what it was or if I am diseased like i think I am.
P.S I wasn't that anxious when playing volleyball. I was just having fun. Unless I am anxious and just don't know it which is usually the case. All help is appreciated! Thanks :)

14-09-12, 16:47
Hi It could just be the shock from falling, you are obviously feeling better now that you are home as you have been able to type your message ok. I would just rest for the remainder of the day and I am sure you will be fine. I can understand that it would have been very frightening for you at the time. Sending you :hugs::hugs:

14-09-12, 17:55
Hi It could just be the shock from falling, you are obviously feeling better now that you are home as you have been able to type your message ok. I would just rest for the remainder of the day and I am sure you will be fine. I can understand that it would have been very frightening for you at the time. Sending you :hugs::hugs:

but why was my tongue twitchy and falling asleep :\

14-09-12, 18:00
I am sorry I don't know, if you are feeling fine now I wouldn't worry about it it was probably all just the shock from the fall. Try not to worry too much about it but if you still feel unwell maybe your parents could take you to get checked out by your doctor. :hugs:

14-09-12, 18:03
I am sorry I don't know, if you are feeling fine now I wouldn't worry about it it was probably all just the shock from the fall. Try not to worry too much about it but if you still feel unwell maybe your parents could take you to get checked out by your doctor. :hugs:

I fall all the time as I do a lot of sports and stuff and have taken some pretty rough falls before. and the fall i had was nothing! So I didn't really have shock from the fall so not sure why I got those weird sparks of light. Some one told me it could be headrush. Not really sure what it is. Still unsure why my tongue is twitchy. That happened after gym class though when I was in English class.

14-09-12, 18:13
If you still feel unwell ask your parents to take you the doctor to put your mind at rest but I am sure you will be fine as you seem to be quite alert now, I would be more worried if you were feeling confused etc. Try to do something to take your mind off it for a while and see how you feel later. :hugs:

14-09-12, 18:22
You got up too fast and the sensation you experienced was the blood leaving your head due to gravity.

Its all completely normal and happens to me too.

The tongue thing was you getting freaked out as evidenced by you having to leave school.

14-09-12, 21:05
It's called head rush, I get it nearly every day.
When you stand up your blood pressure drops, making you dizzy weak and seeing spots n stuff. I also get head pain with the urge to lower my head.
If it happens again sit back down, or bend over n drop your head.
It'll pass after a bit.

rachel m
15-09-12, 16:50
Hi clank. Sorry your havin a rough time again hun. I totaly agree with anxious gal she,s hit the nail on the head. Its just head rushes from moving to quickly. Its wot i get to. When did you last have your blood pressure checked?. :)x

16-09-12, 04:31
Hi clank. Sorry your havin a rough time again hun. I totaly agree with anxious gal she,s hit the nail on the head. Its just head rushes from moving to quickly. Its wot i get to. When did you last have your blood pressure checked?. :)x

Not too long ago actually, and its always normal. I always think that my blood pressure isn't right or I have bad blood circulation seeings how when sitting and have my right leg resting on my left my right leg starts to fall asleep, and when laying down and I have my arms above my head they start to fall asleep. I question it a lot but don't really worry a whole lot about it surprisingly.