View Full Version : Why, why WHY do I do this??

14-09-12, 16:05
Arghh! So last week I posted, I had a really bad cold/flu thing that has thankfully gone and I've been feeling much better. However, today for some reason in the car, I thought "oh I've not checked my mouth for a while!" So I opened my mouth and looked in the mirror and my left tonsil seems larger than it used to! I used to have to really skew to see it, I've had tonsil stones in my right tonsil and the left always seemed a bit hidden but now I'm worried that it's a bit bigger and easier to see and a bit lumpy. My right tonsil also sticks out a little bit but I'm used to that. Now my fears of tonsil cancer/lymphoma are starting to sneak back in. It doesn't hurt at all, I don't think I have swollen glands,I wouldn't even have known if I hadn't looked in the car!! Now of course I'm googling all things tonsil... :wacko:

14-09-12, 16:41
DON'T GOOGLE!!!! It is obviously not hurting because you said you checked for no other reason than you haven't checked for a while...I am sure it is just from the cold/flu that you had. I have never really checked mine so wouldn't know if one is bigger than the other. If it isn't causing you any problems I am sure it is nothing for you to worry about :hugs:

14-09-12, 16:45
Thanks. :) I just looked again and I'm sure it's the same as it's always been, I'm just being weird but will obviously keep checking every so often... I mean, I'm 30, I've never smoked in my life, I've never touched alcohol believe it or not and I'm probably healthier than alot of other people my age. I just can't get over this stupid anxiety! :(

14-09-12, 16:50
I know the anxiety is awful and I am like you panicking at the smallest things. I have never smoked either and don't drink alcohol (I'm 54). I just wish I didn't worry so much! :)