View Full Version : A little bit of progress

14-09-12, 16:08
As an expert worrier I wanted to share this tiny breakthrough I have had over the last few days.
I started to read a book called 'Mindfulness for Dummies' from the For Dummies series. It was very useful and I began to really study it. One bit in particular got my attention and it was about forgiveness. It went into forgiving yourself for doing bad things to others, forgiving others for doing bad things to you, and then Forgiving Yourself For Doing Bad Things To Yourself. It was the last one that really caught my attention, and I realised that I had been really mean and unforgiving to myself by making my own life a misery by worrying. I realised that accepting life as it came was probably better then being on high alert at all times for any illness in my loved ones. I was damaging myself and had to let go and let things turn out as they would. This doesn't mean being irresponsible, but just that the kind of anxiety I was inflicting on myself was just Mean.
Since reading that I have felt a bit better, as if I can let myself off the hook a bit.
I will have to see how it goes, but I wanted to share a bit of good news and hope it might help someone else.

14-09-12, 16:21
Good luck with your reading, do continue. At times in the past I spoke to a Buddhist friend of mine about some of my worries, he opened my eyes to a lot. I have read books on Mindfulness, meditation, crystal therapy, nlp, cbt etc etc....These have helped me quite a bit in the past, I'm back on the downhill for now and they can only help me pause and access my ascent back up again. Thing is this time, the lows are really bad.

Keep reading I am. Wishes x

14-09-12, 17:00
So sorry that things not good at the moment. This illness goes up and down for us all. Things will get better - it reminds me of a children's hymn we used to sing at primary school that went 'After the sun the rain, after the rain the sun. This is the way of life, till the work is done'. If it is really bad, perhaps you could go and see your GP.
Hope you have luck with your reading, and I will continue with mine