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14-09-12, 19:02
can anyone just take some time to talk to me for a bit, am in quite a state x

14-09-12, 19:11
Hi Katy, Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, has anything in particular brought it on? :hugs:

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

I just realised you said you are pregnant..is this what you are worrying about?

14-09-12, 19:11
i had a scan today and they couldnt detect anything so now im fearing im gonna die as its stuck somewhere inside me. Im only 4 weeks :(

14-09-12, 19:13
4 weeks is maybe early for a scan...what did they say to you?

14-09-12, 19:14
that it is too early to detect it and to come back. im just scared

14-09-12, 19:16
That is true Katy, I just checked and 4 weeks is early to detect the baby, sometimes it cannot be detected until 8 weeks so please don't worry :hugs::hugs:

14-09-12, 19:17
can i die if its eptopic

14-09-12, 19:20
The chances of having an ectopic are very low
My sister had one and she's still here u really don't have to worry u will be fine :-)

14-09-12, 19:22
Please don't worry about that, I am sure you will be fine it is not unusual for baby not to be detected at 4 weeks and it is actually quite rare for it to be seen on a scan so early. You would be in a lot of pain if it was ectopic and I know people who have had ectopic pregnancies and they haven't died but believe me you would know if it was. Please don't worry I am sure baby will be fine you just need to wait a few more weeks for another scan :hugs:

14-09-12, 19:25
thanks guys, much appreciated xx

14-09-12, 19:30
No problem Katy, my youngest is now 22 but I know how much I worried during my first pregnancy...just try to enjoy it :)

14-09-12, 19:30

14-09-12, 20:33
4 weeks is too early to see anything, it is better to wait until 6 weeks.

I had an ectopic pregnancy, it is of course a big problem but you don't get too ill, not if you know it and can keep it under control.

But at 4 weeks it's normal that you don't see anything! Wait 2 weeks more and I'm sure everything will look normal:hugs:

14-09-12, 23:26
Justina, wat time in ur pregnancy did your epotpic appear x

14-09-12, 23:54
Why did you have a scan can I ask?

15-09-12, 15:24
Justina, wat time in ur pregnancy did your epotpic appear x

At my first ultrasound, around 8 weeks, the uterus was empty but the blood tests showed there was a pregnancy going on. The next day I started bleeding and then most of it came out as a miscarriage.
Not all of it though, but they couldn't see where the rests of the pregnancy where, so I had to make blood tests 3-4 times a week for a while. The beta-hcg hormones in my blood stayed too high, so they decided that I needed surgery. But the day before the surgery the hormone levels dropped and I didn't need surgery.

But trust me, 4 weeks is so early, there is nothing to see yet. After my ectopic the doctors told me that I must have an ultrasound at 6 weeks at every pregnancy to exclude a new ectopic. Before 6 weeks it is too early to tell.


16-09-12, 07:46
Can i enquire why you had the scan? Have you had any symptoms of ectopic or m/c or any indication that something may be wrong?? I've had two miscarriages - one ectopic and one missed miscarriage (body didn't expel fetus, thought it was still pregnant). To be honest, 4 weeks is way too early to see anything as the baby is not developed enough. Early scans are normally done at 6-8 weeks if a problem is suspected.Trust me, you would know about it and have A LOT of pain and/or fair amount of bleeding. If you are having no bleeding or pain, try to relax and not worry too much. I know its hard but stressing doesnt help the situation. I know from experience that there is nothing you can do about it but trust your health professionals to provide you with the best care and treatment. Hoping for your sake all is well with you and bubba. Good luck.

16-09-12, 23:19
Hi Katy

Please do not worry, at this point is it i would say way too early to see anything on the scan...Anytime on from 6 weeks is a good time to get a more accurate result,....

Have the hospital given you another date for a couple of weeks....

Please PM me if you wanna chat...
