View Full Version : Help! My daughter is leaving for university :(

14-09-12, 21:01
In a weeks' time, my daughter will be leaving for university, she will be living away from home. We are very close and she is beautiful and caring daugher and very level headed. Whilst I know it is normal as a parent to feel anxious mine is extreme. I had a major case of anxiety just over a year ago when my dad died when I ended up on Citalopram for 6 months. Since then I've been doing really well, now it just seems like a black cloud has come over me. I wake up in floods of uncontrollable tears, I feel like I am choking and am even thinking about death or dying. I would just like to hear from other parents who are going through or have been through the same fears. Thanks for reading this.

14-09-12, 21:56
I remember feeling this way about my sister when she went away to University during a time when I was suffering with my anxiety, especially when it came to e.g. getting only 3 plates out for dinner rather than 4 etc. I worried how she would cope, so far away, and how I could cope with her being so far away and not at home if I "needed" her. I did adapt gradually though, and it helped that my sister kept in touch most days via Internet chat programmes (this was before Smartphones & Facebook!), which we could use for free to save on telephone bills.

15-09-12, 08:35
Hi All 3 of my children have been to university and I remember with each one I was anxious. Even walking round the supermarket buying things for them to take had me in floods of tears! You will have tears on the day I am sure but once you know she is settled and happy you will be fine. I spoke to them on skype so that I could see they were fine. Try to think ahead to what will be one of the proudest days of your life...her graduation. It isn't easy to see our children 'fly the nest' but it is a new chapter in her life and well done you for getting her there!! It isn't an easy time for most parents but even worse when we are anxious. I once spent a whole week ill in bed with anxiety because my youngest son went on holiday to France when he was 16! She will love uni once she meets her flat mates and knowing she is settled will settle you :hugs::hugs:

15-09-12, 10:12
Hi TillyKitten,

my mum was exactly the same when I left home. We worry about our mums too! She still cries everytime my visit home is over and I'm 30 now :) Annie is right, you'll be so proud at her graduation and you'll also see your daughter blossom into an independant, educated young woman. University can be a stressful time and one of the best things is getting to go home in the holidays to your mum.
