View Full Version : Drunk far tO much this evening omgj

14-09-12, 21:02
Hello I've just drink to much alcohol and now ok dizzy heart is pounding n heavy breathing n chest hurts I feel like ok dying I can't calm dOwn I'm scared just wanna go hon

14-09-12, 21:16
Drink lots of water Emma.

Why have you drunk so much to get like this?

14-09-12, 21:20
I have a litre bottle with me wait till I get home as need toilet I don't know was so stresse thOuvght it would help I don't know what It feels like to die but I think I'm having a panic atackk

14-09-12, 21:23
Well I would go home and lay down and try and sleep it off to be honest.

14-09-12, 22:07
I am that's all I want to dO :(

---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

I don't feel well is a litre of water enough

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

Bad pain in chest am I having a heart attack !!!!

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

What's worse is its self inflictewd I can't expect sympathy I don't feel well breathing is erratic

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

So glAd I'm home pain in back let a few tears slip this is nasty

14-09-12, 22:19
sounds like a panic attack...try breathing in thro ur nose for 4 seconds and let the breath out thro ur mouth slowly longer than the breath in....and remember,its a panic attack,your going to be ok...i know it feels like your dying but your not....try and focus on something and do the breathing...

15-09-12, 00:01
Try and remember it's just because of the alcohol intake! Gohome, drink lots of water a d if you can find a paper bag try and take deep breaths into the bag. Take care x

15-09-12, 01:10
Emma you will have a hangover tomorrow so before you post make sure you drink fruit juice or water and have something plain for breakfast and maybe some paracetamol.

And yes I am going to lecture you on drinking alcohol to the extent you get like this - don't do it !

15-09-12, 03:26
Eat some food or have a cup of tea with milk and sugar.

Alcohol speeds up your heart, so it's a bit like coffee that way.
It can also dehydrate you and lower your blood sugar causing anxiety.
I always bring a snack or two with me when I go out, I usually have a fizzy drink like sprite In between drinks too.

I've had some bad panic attacks myself after drinking too much too!

15-09-12, 11:47
Thank you guys woke up today had bad bad dirrohea and now got headache slowly drinking a litre of water think I might try some toast had a glass of water and a cup of tea when I woke up... The attack was really scary last night . Im scared I've damaged my tummy liver even though I've only been drunk three times. Don't want to feel like that ever again

---------- Post added at 11:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

Having dirrohea has scared me into thinking I'll get hospitalzed for dehydration

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 ----------

I also feel incredibly nauseas

15-09-12, 11:53
You have a hangover, that is what happens when you drink too much. You are dehydrated which is why you have the headache, and the hangover also makes you feel sick, so need to make sure you drink plenty of fluids today, but you won't need to go to hospital for it.

15-09-12, 15:46
thanks ive had a glass of water two cups of tea and another litre of water
im scared the extreme dirrohea has made me very dehudtarted still headachey
vomit taste in mouth etc
could the panic attack of made the feelings worse

---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

also ate scarambled eggs on toast
plus two youghurts today
having mash and sausages and peas for dinner even though not hungry but will eat

15-09-12, 16:52
You might feel rough for a little while but you should be fine. Just rest up and pamper yourself if possible. You'll feel better soon enough :hugs:

15-09-12, 17:19
thanks i hope so
im struggling to stay awake which is worrying
feel so freaking ill haha

---------- Post added at 17:19 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

the major headache and the struggling to stay awake makes me think brain hemmorage
i did smack my head on a car door the other day havnt given it a 2nd thought till now and this http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=121096

15-09-12, 17:48
The headache is the main symptom of a hangover ! everyone with a hangover gets this, and its normally from being dehydrated. Just drink lots of water, take paracetamol and get an early night. It's not a brain haemmorage, you know why you are feeling ill, its the drink from last night.

15-09-12, 18:25

You are hungover. And from your description it sounds like an impressively miserable one.

Water and lots of it. Bland food when you can tolerate it.

I used to drink a whole lot more than was good for me, but I never gave myself diarrhea. Even when I singlehandedly accounted for a bottle of Canadian whiskey. So I just gotta ask, what DID you drink yesterday and how much of it?

15-09-12, 19:13
hiya not much really but it set off a panic attack
pint of stella
one jd and coke
two vodka and monster
four shots

before then two weeks ago id had
3 shots
4 jagerbombs
three vod and monster
three jd and coke
two pints of stella
can of strongbow
and a few other things and i felt fine the next day well not panicky at least and i didnt have a panic attack

last night i had to get out and go home by 9 pm ish as i felt this immediate fear come over me and my heart statrted to pound and i was hyperventilating

i dont like bragging about drinking i think its stupid to drink to excess like this and will be avoiding as im scared of the damage itll do to my body
i hate peer pressure though everyones like oh come out tuesday i say no and get called boring i dont ever want to do it again

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

i dont think it was how much alcohol last night i think it was the panic attack but i dont even know if it was a panic attack?

15-09-12, 19:31
hiya not much really but it set off a panic attack

I've read thru your posts from yesterday. Yeah, that was one hell of a panic attack.

i dont like bragging about drinking i think its stupid to drink to excess like this and will be avoiding as im scared of the damage itll do to my body

I really was just curious. If you are talking about damaging your body from an HA point of view, you are fine.

If you're talking about damage along the lines of feeling lousy from a hangover, being afraid of being hungover is a good thing.

i hate peer pressure though everyones like oh come out tuesday i say no and get called boring i dont ever want to do it again[COLOR="blue"]

There are ways to go out and not drink too much. Lots of times I'll alternate between an alcoholic drink (that I drink very slowly) and a non alcoholic drink (which I'll drink even slower). With a little practice you can make a glass of water last a half hour.

15-09-12, 19:49
That is quite a lot to drink in one go if you aren't used to drinking. The panic attack was quite likely caused my the monster energy - this is like red bull and has loads of caffeine in it, which really isn't good for anyone with anxiety !

If you are going to drink in the future, stick to drinks without monster in them, and try and stay on the same drinks all night, mixing beer and shorts isn't normally very good for your head the next morning !

21-09-12, 00:29
all those energy drinks with jaegermeister/vodka are bound to get your heart going faster, and your mind!!

21-09-12, 01:58
The mixing the alcohol plus the caffeine isn't helping.
Try and stick to one type of drink, pace your self more, maybe have a water after every alcoholic drink.