View Full Version : my experience pvc's anxiety.. hope to help and learn x

14-09-12, 23:13
I have been through some stuff over the past few years, and i feel that my experiences might help others...
It all began a few years ago, a few weeks after coming back from a road trip across the USA and backpacking in Canada (a total of 2 months) i was sitting comfortably on my couch , minding my own business, completely calm and relaxed,.. and i felt my heart do some strange stuff... a disconcerting feeling..
it lasted a little while, and i became worried. well it went away.. but not for long, i went to Wales with my partner and lying in bed one night, maybe a few weeks later and it happened again, but this time it kept going.. every third beat my heart paused.. then followed by a big beat.. i had no idea what this was, and was certain that i had a big problem on my hands.
the next morning i was in the doctors..
they ran ecg and told me i was having ectopic PVC's, that they were "normal" (didnt bloody feel normal to me!!)
This began many trips to the doctor, and the emergency room..
unhelpfull doctors,24 hour halter monitor that showed hundreds and a daily sense of panic..I was offered beta blockers and anti depressants, which i refused. these pvc;s were every third beat for months, it wore me down emotionally and physically. I began to research to try to find an answer.. i could not imagine spending my life feeling this way.. my doctor treated me like i was mad, and when i mentioned pvc's she acted as though she had not heard of them.. adding to my anxiety.
And so , i will tell you the things i did.. and i will just say 2 years on that i have no more pvc's, i know we are all different, and some things work for some, and some dont... well here goes.
First of all i went to my local herbalist who prescribed me a strong hawthorn tincture, with a few calming herbs like Valerian, skullcap and bachs rescue remedy.. but the thing i really feel helped was magnesium.. now this is best administered as a spray, it is hard for your body to take in as a pill, the spray i used actually causes a slight burning sting if you are deficient, and when i first used it it burned like hell.. but after a few weeks it caused no feeling whatsoever (i was trying it on friends and family members.. some felt a sting, some did not.. interesting) i continued use of this for months as well as the herbs, they did not disappear straight away (i was also taking organic multivits and cut caffeine down but not out) but they gradually reduced (i have maybe five weird beats a week now.. but they would have gone unnoticed i think..)
The one thing i can say has stayed with me since this experience is an anxiety.. i have muscle spasms around my body and a feeling of almost vibration from my inner core.. i put this down to anxiety.
i will have completely irrational adrenaline rushes that at first had me thinking i had some kind of adrenal issue or something neurological going on (still wondering what triggered my initial PVC;s.. thinking is this all connected??) these feelings will come at any time and leave me feeling like i have narrowly missed a life threatening exp (last time was few weeks ago when jehovah witness came to door and started talking about doomsday, (which is not a worrying subject to me as i have my own theory.. but i digress) but this massive rush of adrenaline had me knocking the doctors door once again.. certain i had some kind of adrenal cancer or something (not just from this example.. just generally not feeling right since the pvcs)
i had also been feeling a strange sensation across my belly on the right side, like something inside was pushing and no matter how i prodded i could find nothing until in the end i made the area sore.. and became even more freaked out!! (yup feel a bit dumb now.. but this is anxiety!!)
so my doc sent me for a battery of blood tests and i waited anxiously for the results,When the results came my doctor (a different doctor to the one i mentioned earlier in post) well he said i had "perfect blood" and that he was 98% certain that there was no physical reason for my adrenaline or the other strange feelings i had been having, that the feelings were almost certainly anxiety.
My relief was incredible, it was as though i had been given a winning lottery ticket, i was so certain i was anemic and sick and that there would be something there, so when there wasn't yes i was relieved, but still left wondering what this strange sensation in my belly was (im still not sure, but good blood results have me less worried now, this has all been the past week bye the way..)
I guess my point is anxiety is a monster.. it will create all kinds of phantom illnesses and the more you let them take over the more likly you will make yourself sick.. the stress lowers your immune system, potentially creating a vicious circle, an awfull place to be trapped.
I have found thing that have helped me a great deal with anxiety, i have an emergency tool kit if you like, and so i will finish by sharing the things that help me, and hope that someone else might find some calm in them as well.
#1 Dr Stuarts Tranquility (a very good herbal tea that actually works!! i use 3 bags and leave them in the cup.. you do feel an effect!!)
#2 Bachs rescue remedy (i add this to the tea... it says add 4 drops, i admitt i use about 15 or 20 )
#3 organic Valerian tincture (the herbal gentle form of Valium, this stuff is amazing and i will also add to the tea if i am really on the ceiling anxious)
#4 Echinacea and goldenseal (when you are low/anxious this helps to keep your immune system up and running i know it makes me feel better)

1,2 and 3 i use separately or together depending on how bad i feel.. all i can say is they have really helped me, and i keep them at hand, i dont like what "big pharmaceutical" companies are doing and i deeply suspect their ethics.. herbs have been used for thousands of years.. for a reason.

i hope this helps someone..

feel free to message me with questions or conversation.

reading forums has helped get me through also x

14-09-12, 23:26
Hi anj46&2

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
17-09-12, 21:37
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

27-09-12, 09:58
Hi, i found your post very interesting i have suffered anxiety for years & when i think back to the symptoms it has given me & the tests i have had it`s quite unbelievable the physical symptoms it gives you which we in turn make worse by focusing on them & letting them take over our lifes.
I am at the moment experiencing the dreaded extra heart beats eptopics, i am back at the docs tomorrow so will have this confirmed, but it`s interesting because i have also found a link with the magnesium deficiency and the eptopics & also if you are on a regular ppi medicine which i am for acid reflux these meds can stop you absorbing magnesium so i am going to mention this tomorrow, she will probably laugh at me, do you just spray it into your mouth & do you purchase it from the health shop, another thing i wondered is can it harm you if your not deficient and you have too much magnesium.
Anyway i`m glad you are finding your own ways of managing your anxiety & monster is a very good word sometimes i feel we torture ourselves. take care :bighug1: