View Full Version : Panic attacks have returned with avengunce. :(

14-09-12, 23:48
Hi Everyone,
It's 11.40pm and after falling asleep for 1 hour I woke up suddenly in a blind panic and in the middle of a full blown attack.
Sweaty hands, racing thoughts, shaking, aching arms and legs and severe vomiting.
This is the 2nd panic attack in 3 days and the frustrating thing is that I haven't felt this bad for over 2 years!!
I've been feeling the anxiety creeping back over the past 2 months so I suppose a panic attack was inevitable.
I've had anxiety on and off since I was 17 but it came back with avengunce after losing my young daughter to meningitis.

I honestly feel that I'm losing my mind and that I'm never going to be free from this. It's cripples me and stops me enjoying most things in my life!

Im currently take Sertraline (50mg) but have been advised to up it to 100 mg.
I'm surviving on Diazapam at the moment.

I hate this!! Will I never just be normal and free from the worry of wheny next attack will occur. :( :(

15-09-12, 08:12
Oh Amy, no wonder you are struggling. What an awful time you have had, I'm so sorry.

I know that feeling of hopelessness and thinking that you will never be free of this BUT this is a relapse after 2 good years and after a terribly sad experience.

I've just increased my sertraline to 100mg after a relapse. I'm also taking Valium although trying to keep to evenings with this. I'm using relaxation CD's and lots of exercise as I find that helps me.

Remember this will pass! Sending you hugs x

15-09-12, 08:36
I had the very same thing last night. Woke up feeling terrible which then led into a full blown attack. This was also my first in years. I don't know what triggered it but it was horrendous. Now today I feel terribly anxious that it will happen again tonight. I also take sertraline 100mg but I had tried to stop them and then started again which is why I'm probably like this right now. I've finally reached a point though where I can recognise its a panic attack and that I'm not going to die but it's incredibly hard not to let myself believe something is horribly wrong with me. I hope you feel better soon and have a peaceful and restful night tonight xxx

15-09-12, 08:52
I am sorry to hear you have gone through so much Amy and are having such a terrible time. You will overcome this, I am feeling worse at the moment after being anxiety free for 1 year I had an accident 3 months ago and it has brought it back. We can overcome it though, we have before :hugs::hugs:

Sue W
15-09-12, 18:03
I am so sorry to hear about what you have gone through, it is no wonder you are suffering so much, try to remember that you have been panic free for the last two years and you can and will be panic free once again. You just need to try and do the things that helped you in the past. I too have been having panics and major anxiety since I was 17 and have not had a panic for two years, however mine have returned and I don't know why, I hate them and really don't want to feel like this anymore, I just want to feel and be normal :(

18-09-12, 12:14

So sorry to hear that you are not feeling good at the moment:(

It has been 2 years panic and anxiety free for me, had a boozy night a week ago and now feel terrible:(. I also think maybe it's the time of year weather wise.

You will get through this!

Jackie x