View Full Version : Really Scared | Help Please!!

15-09-12, 07:26
I keep getting these pain above both both my eyebrows on my forehead. They are worsened by coughing and sudden head movements . I am also feeling very dizzy , even when lying down. I keep thinking im going to have a bleed in the brain or a Tumour :S

15-09-12, 09:04
Sounds a bit like it might be sinus problems. Think you should make an appointment with the Doctor.

15-09-12, 09:11
I agree with Sunshine1 I suffer from sinus problems and get pain in the same area. Steam inhalation sometimes helps but your doctor may be able to prescribe something. Don't buy otc sinus tablets as some of them interact with anxiety/antidepressant tablets.

15-09-12, 09:15
I have sinus problems too and they are usually worse in the morning.Annie I find tht steam can help to. Do sympathise, Dylan, cause my sinus problems mess with my head !

15-09-12, 11:22
Now been told by my doctor it sounds like Chiari Malformation . What the HELL is that!!!

15-09-12, 11:33
Have you just seen your doctor this morning? It is congenital (from birth) so I would be surprised if that was your problem. What age are you? I would have thought it could only be diagnosed by a scan anyway. If your doctor has said that to you I think you should ask him to explain why he thinks that and ask him to give you more information..but don't google it as Dr google doesn't give the best information! :hugs:

15-09-12, 11:49
He said the Symptoms sound like it , He is scheduling an MRI . Im only 15

15-09-12, 11:56
Try not to worry too much at the moment (I know that is hard not to do) The symptoms could be many things and the doctor will be sending you for the MRI to rule out things and find out what it really is. When they find out what is causing the problems they will explain it more fully. In the mean time please try to do something to distract yourself from worrying. :hugs:

15-09-12, 12:15
I wish he had told me more about Chiari Malformation . The name scares me but i refuse to go to Dr Google . Thank You for the Reply :)

15-09-12, 12:22
If you are worrying, go back to your doctor and let him know that you are anxious and ask him to explain it to you. :hugs:

15-09-12, 12:26
Yes don't google it please!!
I don't know what that Chiari malformation is, never heard of it, maybe he was a bit quick to make a diagnosis.

Don't worry about it, I had really bad pains exactly where you said, sharp pains like pressure.

They came at the end of a very bad cold and worsened after I blew my nose so I assumed it was sinus related.

I left it at that (amazing for me!) and they went away.
I also got them when I was on a plane, during the landing, that freaked me out though but then the person next to me said that she'd already had that and that it was probably to do with sinuses.

I'm sure the MRI will show nothing try not to worry.
Have you got a cold at the moment or had one?

15-09-12, 20:22
I think i'll just try and wait till the next appointment