View Full Version : brain tumour

15-09-12, 12:38
so scared i have a brain tumour. over last few days iv had a strange sensation above my eyebrow and light headed i aslo just stare in to space on top of that when ever i go some were like asda i feel strange think its due to the lighting. im so scared iv a 2 and 4 year old i dont want to die. also feel very sleepy doctor said its anxiety had bloods done eye test and blood test all come back clear:weep:

15-09-12, 12:51
If your tests have all come back clear you will be fine. Anxiety really does cause these sensations. I feel really lightheaded most of the time with my anxiety and sometimes very dizzy. Anxiety causes all sorts of weird symptoms but trust your doctor, he has done the tests and they are clear. It happens more to me in a busy place (like Asda) and sometimes don't feel like I am going to make it through the checkout! :hugs:

15-09-12, 12:52
Are you taking your antidepressants or anxiety meds now ?

15-09-12, 13:10
no not on medication cbt starts on tuesday im scared to take antidepressants cos iv heard they make you worse before better and at the moment i cant much worse i wake up thinking am i going to die every day