View Full Version : Just start to pick myself up and something else knocks me down

15-09-12, 13:41
My son just phoned me to tell me that their beautiful little cat has been knocked down by a car and killed. He and his wife are devastated and I just can't stop crying since he called to tell me. Pets become part of the family and I am so upset. I was just starting to pick myself up a bit this morning and feel so anxious again now :weep:

15-09-12, 13:48
Hi Annie.
Something very similar happened to be a few weeks ago. I am a student so live away from home and one night my mum text me to tell me my little sisters hamster had died. I was at my partners parents at the time and didn't want to start crying infront of them over a hamster, even though it meant a lot to all of us. So i held it in for over 2 hours. As soon as I was on my own I just cried and cried for hours! I wasnt just crying for me, I was crying for my little sister, shes only eight. Ended up having a panic attack.
You are not alone feeling this way.

15-09-12, 13:49
Losing a pet is devastating. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news :hugs:

Be kind to yourself. You are having such a tough time, but you will come through it. I'm thinking of you. :hugs:

15-09-12, 13:57
It just seems like one bad thing after another is happening. He was such a beautiful cat and so lovable. Hellobubs..no matter how small a pet is, they are part of your family, I cried when my daughters dwarf hamster died and when the goldfish died! so I can understand your grief with your sisters hamster. My son is not too well at the moment either so that makes it even harder. I just keep wondering if things will ever start to get better. I was having a better day today and had a walk up the street this morning but feel so down again now :weep: Thank you both for your kind words.

15-09-12, 14:02
Obviously this is of no fault to family members or friends, but I have noticed from myself and from your post that we seem to take on others grief as well as our own! This is just us being good people but doesnt help our emotional states. I've always found just crying and crying can help. If that's what your body and mind wants to do right now, let it.
Sometimes it's hard not to think .. WHY ME!?! WHY MY FAMILY?!
You will get a lot of support on here

15-09-12, 14:09
I know people keep telling me I take on too many problems of others and forget to think about myself sometimes, but that's just how I am...I see someone on TV upset and crying and I start to cry. As a Liverpool fan I just downloaded You'll never walk alone in memory of the 96 and I said to my youngest son "I get emotional every time I listen to this" His reply was "Mam, you would get emotional over a piece of lettuce!" :) I think all I have done is cry these past few weeks.

15-09-12, 14:19
That's exactly how I am! My mum says all the time I just need to start thinking of myself more and leave other peoples problems but I just can't..I suppose it's a good thing as I am currently studying how to be a counsellor at university.
I was worried at first that having depression and anxiety would jeopardize my future career but I think it is just spurring me on and with help me have more empathy towards people. I just hope I can learn to deal with this myself before I even try to help others.
I haven't cried in so long but this past 2 weeks I've cried loads. It's worrying though, don't want to start going backwards...

15-09-12, 14:24
The thing you have to learn being a counsellor is not to take every ones troubles home with you. I work in a secondary school and often have students sharing their problems with me and sometimes it is hard for me not to keep worrying about them.

15-09-12, 14:34
Yer that's going to be something I am going to have to overcome. I am starting a one day a week placement soon so I suppose that will be my test! .. There is also a short training course starting after christmas so definitely going to do that too.
So do you have any plans for today to maybe take your mind of things for a while?

15-09-12, 14:37
There isn't a lot I can do at the moment, that is my biggest problem. I am recovering from a fractured foot :( so just sitting telling my husband what needs doing! Will watch the Liverpool match later and hope they win...I don't want any more disappointments today!

15-09-12, 14:47
Aww no how did you manage that? .. When I am going through really bad days I just don't want to move out of bed or off the sofa but when there is something actually restricting me all I want to do is move around and do things!
My partner supports Liverpool too, lets hope they win then I'll know of at least 2 happy people :)

15-09-12, 14:52
I fell off a ladder when I was painting the staircase and fractured 2 metatarsals and dislocated my little toe..it has been slow in healing and set my anxiety off again, then last week my daughter was taken to hospital ill (she is fine now) so it has not been a good few months.

15-09-12, 15:10
How have you handled your anxiety in the past? I haven't had it long but when I get it I just feel trapped and don't know what to do with myself.

I'm glad your daughter is okay now!

15-09-12, 15:13
I started with it 8 years ago after my best friend died, I was really ill for 1 year then had cognitive behaviour therapy. I coped with it quite well after that but did have some set backs which lasted a few months usually triggered by something. I just wish it would go and never come back but I just keep telling myself that I have got over it before I can do it again!

15-09-12, 15:25
Have you considered CBT again? .. Keep thinking that! You will do it again :)

15-09-12, 15:32
My doctor has referred me again, I am just waiting for an appointment. I had the telephone assessment 2 weeks ago x

15-09-12, 17:45
Hi Annie, so sorry to hear about your pet being killed but I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets so upset when pets die. My cat was put to sleep at age 20. I'd had him since I was 9 and he'd been with me two thirds of my life, through all the ups and downs of childhood and being a teenager. I held him when he was dying and still shed a tear when I hear the song that was playing outside on someone's radio.

It's hard not to feel down when it seems bad things never stop happening. Following my cat dying I lost my dog (aged 18), my boyfriend got very depressed with his bipolar and my mum had a stroke. How are you supposed to stay positive after that?

So even if it's hard to be happy and calm right now, just remember that bad luck can't last forever, that you are not alone and given time and patience your happiness will return.


15-09-12, 17:49
Thank you for your reply Lissa, I'm finding it really hard right now, my husband just cooked dinner and I feel so nauseous with the anxiety that I can't eat it.

15-09-12, 18:03
:hugs:Lots of bad luck always seems to happen in a short space of time but things will get better x

15-09-12, 18:05
:hugs:Lots of bad luck always seems to happen in a short space of time but things will get better x
I hope so, thank you :hugs:

15-09-12, 19:01
sorry to hear that. It's nothing to be ashamed of as like u said a pet is like a member of the family. I cry when my goldfish die, and i have a cat and i know i will cry bucketloads when his time comes.
Time is a healer and it will slowly get easier.

15-09-12, 19:03
Thank you Smallie...I have just come up to bed, I can't even cope with sitting downstairs any more today, hoping that when I take my meds I will calm down a bit.