View Full Version : Left side numb & weak feeling in body :( Help & reassurance this is just anxiety!?

15-09-12, 15:23
Hey guys,

for any of you that have been following my posts you would have seen my carpal tunnel syndrome one.

Well that put my mind at ease and although it's very annoying, I am able to not worry about that.

But now I've been overly focusing on the left side of my body I have noticed that the left side of my face, my left foot and my left leg all feel slightly similar to my hand. Feeling of being slightly numb (and I mean I can't actually decider if it is actually numb, it just feels like 1% more numb to the touch) - weaker and I get pins and needles slightly too.

I realise sometimes that I've been tensing the left leg, so this would cause it to feel weaker and number right?

I just feel like the left side of my body isn't quite right :( and it's really panicking me. I haven't googled yet (thankfully) - but I'm scared it's a brain tumour or MS or something like that.

I mentioned it at the DR's when I got diagnosed my him for having carpel tunnel syndrome, but he didn't even acknowledge it being anything other than anxiety.

I have also been having sharp headaches behind the eyes where I see grainy, pin pricked lights and floaters and stuff.

Does anyone get any of these symptoms? Please someone help reassure me, I just need to know this can be caused by anxiety before I spend all day on a stupid researching loop.

"What happens if it IS something this time?" thought will NOT leave my head!"

Thanks guys. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ----------

Anyone else get this? Please? :(

---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 15:18 ----------

Worrying it's a brain tumour :(

16-09-12, 15:15
What you are describing are symptoms of anxiety, you can get all sorts of weird sensations, numbness, pins and needles, dizzyness etc, it's so annoying x

16-09-12, 15:20
Can it be just one sided?

The left side of my face feels REALLY weird :(

16-09-12, 15:27
Yes it can.

16-09-12, 15:39
Okay - I'll try and not think about it. I'm going out tonight so I'll see if it lessons with distraction. Thanks guys.

16-09-12, 15:41
As fred_h says yes it can and Im sure once you are out and are distracted it will ease off. Try to enjoy yourself x

16-09-12, 15:58
Indeed, the more you focus on it the more you feel something. Our brain is great at being selective when it comes to sensations.

16-09-12, 16:09
If you are tensing your jaw, it can put pressure on the nerve there causing temporay numbness in your face.
The more you focus on your symptoms the more your body wont feel right.

16-09-12, 16:14
Did you read the links I sent you yesterday in your other post about this?

16-09-12, 16:14
That makes sense thanks, I have noticed I've been tensing my leg more when I think about it too.