View Full Version : MARIAN KEYES tells terrifying story detailing the reality of a breakdown

15-09-12, 14:55

15-09-12, 15:17
Great, honest article. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting, merlotsmum :)

15-09-12, 15:40
This article actually made me feel depressed. YES it was honest but no light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe the key is positve thinking. Because I have been here once before and I DID recover.

15-09-12, 15:55
A very interesting read....sort of what happened to me so I can relate. I am still suffering 11 months after my breakdown....but thanks loopylu, it's good to hear that you recovered, it gives me hope for the future.

15-09-12, 17:17
I know what you mean loopylu. I think that I liked the point that the author made about there not being one simple answer to recovery. Different things work for different people and It is a combination of things that help recovery.

I think that her frankness about her bad days and the fact she has made progress but is still working on her recovery 3 years down the line is more realistic and helpful than the common misconception that medication is an instant cure all.

That said, I have recovered and have faith that I will do again :)

15-09-12, 17:46
Well that article took my mood even further down, no hope, no light and the only way to get better is medications which don't work on me.

15-09-12, 18:46
good reading, just shows it can happen to all kinds of people.

I can relate to the fear and symptoms she went through they are the worst imaginable and terrible to have to cope with day in day out. My episode this time round as been since sept 10 and even with anti d's are just as bad. just can't wait for that light at the end of the tunnel again

15-09-12, 21:21
I can fully relate to what she said. I have been housebound from panic attacks and severe anxiety/DP. There were times when my "safe places" like my own bedroom was foreign to me. Even my own family. You literally feel completely disconnected from the world. Constant meloncholy and doom. Like when you were a child and you woke up with pure fear. Whether it be due to thoughts of death or something as simple as having had too much too eat and a bellyache. I have had all symptoms possible. Adrenaline burning through my arms and chest. Constant dizziness and no relief whatsover from everything. Sleep can't even relief you because you CAN'T sleep. But like I said...There IS a way out. I was this way for 9 months. But i took small steps to recovery. I would drive for a bit..then a little further. Stay positive,stay occupied. It WILL get better. You really need to know this. This was 4 years ago and I never looked back and my life returned to complete and utter normality. I have relapsed recently due to a string of terrible events which triggered panic attacks. I should of seen it coming..I was getting these strange little pin prick sensations in my legs for a month or so. I have no dount that when I resolve my issues and accept the changes and just relax. I will recovery. It's just a blip. We will all come through!!!

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Sticky keys!! Grrrrr

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I also think you will agree that the majority of anxiety sufferers are very internal people. I think constantly. Anaylize constantly. Always been the same. Sometimes I need to learn to stop the obsessive thinking. It's why I get this way!

16-09-12, 16:19
I found the article interesting as it is someone else perspective. Like Serenitie said different things work for different people but for me reading these articles, even if the outcome is not completely positive helps me realise I am not alone and ANYONE can succumb to anxiety and depression. I have also just finished reading Sally Brampton's book - Shoot the Damn Dog and spent the whole book saying "Oh my words, this is me" - again it reassured me that what I was feeling was felt by others and they beat it.

It is a journey and a half recovery, I feel like I have moved a centermetre on a one kilometre walk so far, the last few days have been "back to square one feeling" as I have increased my meds and the side effects are horrendous but still determined to beat this crappy illness.

Best wishes to you all

16-09-12, 16:49
"Do I have any advice? The one honest thing I can say is do anything you can to get through the day"
Thanks for the link, but I found it difficult to read after a while beause it was so close my own feelings. The problem is she is still in the midst of it and has no idea how to go foward. She is not speaking as someone who has recovered, which she will do in due time, she has just assumed you have to "get through the day" which is all she knows. In summary, not a helpful article, but reassuring in a oh-my-god-that's-me way and an insight for non-sufferers.