View Full Version : Brain tumour :( So, so scared :(

15-09-12, 16:40
Now I'm starting to freak out, because I just realised I've been getting bad headaches this past week almost every day, and I never used to ever get headaches.

Along with the weakness feeling I posted in my last post (please read it) - down my left side.

What else could it bloody be :( :(

I hate this.

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---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

No one? :( ok.

15-09-12, 16:46
Hello, I also get bad headaches sometimes and tingly feelings in my limbs. I think there's a really high chance it is anxiety related as my ex- boyfriend had similar problems and he had bad anxiety. Obviously keep monitoring it and get checked out again if necessary but try not to worry too much :hugs:

15-09-12, 17:12
Do you get a numbness feeling?

Anyone else?

Really worrying here :(

15-09-12, 17:24
I do sometimes, usually in my arm.

15-09-12, 17:39
Hiya headaches are not a sign of a brain tumour x

15-09-12, 17:48
Thanks for your reply guys - what about the other symptoms I'm getting?

I've been overly focusing on the left side of my body I have noticed that the left side of my face, my left foot and my left leg all feel slightly similar to my hand. Feeling of being slightly numb (and I mean I can't actually decider if it is actually numb, it just feels like 1% more numb to the touch) - weaker and I get pins and needles slightly too.

I realise sometimes that I've been tensing the left leg, so this would cause it to feel weaker and number right?

I just feel like the left side of my body isn't quite right :( and it's really panicking me. I haven't googled yet (thankfully) - but I'm scared it's a brain tumour or MS or something like that.

I mentioned it at the DR's when I got diagnosed my him for having carpel tunnel syndrome, but he didn't even acknowledge it being anything other than anxiety.

I have also been having sharp headaches behind the eyes where I see grainy, pin pricked lights and floaters and stuff.

15-09-12, 18:03
I have Floaters all the time form anxiety , Also don't worry about MS , Its not as bad as you think

15-09-12, 18:16
Does anyone else get weird feelings down the left side of their body from anxiety?

15-09-12, 18:31
All of the following posts describe left side of body pains:


15-09-12, 18:52
I'm trying to remain positive, it just comes in waves of fear.

15-09-12, 19:44
i posted a long response I received from a retired neurologist in another posting of yours. this feeling you describe and every single feeling you have is merely a result of anxiety. basically because your anxiety is so elevated, it is persistent. ive had this for a year now (left side feeling & millions of others). basically the left side feeling is because your sensory network and perceptions have been altered by anxiety and only calm can rectify this. it doesn't happen overnight, but improves slowly over time with a calm attitude towards the strange feelings. trust me. believe!

16-09-12, 12:24
Thanks, your reply brought me some relief.

But I woke up this morning and all I can think is "the left side of my body feel so weird, like it's got no spacial awareness - what happens if this actually isn't anxiety?!"

I'm just feeling at an all time LOW.

I managed to rid myself of anxiety for almost a year, and now I'm back to square 1. I don't even want to go out or do anything, can barely eat and I'm already underweight. I'm just exhausted and depressed.

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 ----------

I keep thinking if I google there'll be symptoms I won't have and I can relax.

Can someone reassure me before I google? :(

16-09-12, 13:04
the reason my reassurance brings only temporary relief is because your brain is in a mode where it is actively seeking a "cause" for the physical symptoms/oddness you are feeling. To overcome anxiety, you have to live alongside these symptoms no matter how bad they feel and focus on living the best you can. It won't be easy at first, but in time as you become calmer, it improves. These feelings only improve when you STOP GOOGLING and ACCEPT the feelings for what they are, which is anxiety. I had an addicition to looking on the net, and it only feeds your fear. You go on, look for anxiety symptoms or people with similar symptoms to reassure yourself that it is just anxiety, but when their description doesn't match yours or you then think of another symptom then you start to worry. Look at it like this: 1) you feel your symptoms 2) you worry about them 3) you go on google to reassure yourself 4) in your anxious state you always dwell on worst and your mind throws up a whole host of "what ifs" 5) you begin to worry more 6) your symptoms persist and worsen....then back to square 1.....see what I'm getting at?!?!?! Believe me, it is anxiety, 10000000% sure. Inbox me if you wish, but don't google, waste of time, and only makes things worse.

16-09-12, 13:32
Thanks Paul - I PM'd you.

16-09-12, 13:33
I am pretty woried right now as i have been suffering with headaches worsened by Movement which when i google , Pointed straight to Brain Tumour . I have also been experiencing a ton of eye floaters and dizziness which when i googled it , yep you guessed it. It says Brain Tumour. I am really panicking right now :S

16-09-12, 13:33
i got funny funny feeling in my back and legs went to doctors he examined me and said i was all good and its anxiety my pains and numbness change everyweek the only thing that has stayed the same is floating feeling in my head and tense muscles in face neck and back. i do get sensations of numbness in right hand and a pin stabbing sensation but doc said its carpel and just to keep an eye on it. every one iv spoke to with h/a has thought they had a brain tumour at some stage i still do some times but only 4600 people get them in the uk and there is over 60 million of us living here so it makes it a 0.008 chance of getting one according to cancer resurch

16-09-12, 13:53
Ah please don't post symptoms that you've googled here :( That's exactly why I stay off google, but what's the point when what I'm trying to avoid is posted in my safe zone :( Sorry - it's just extremely triggering. Most headaches get worse because of movement do they not? That's one of the things that I got :( Now I'm even more freaked out.

Thanks mpm1982 though - that's a comforting statistic actually. I have carpal too, does yours feel like loss of dexterity, numbness and weird?

I feel like it's in my left cheek and left leg too.

Ugh so worried again :(

16-09-12, 13:59
GOD I'm such an idiot , Sorry . I truly am and yeah your right most headaches are worsened by movement. Im really sorry for posting that :hugs:

16-09-12, 14:49
It's okay, sorry if I sounded harsh :( I've done the same before through panic. You're not an idiot at all - we're all just scared. Hope you're okay :hugs:

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

One side of my face is definitely more numb :(

16-09-12, 14:52
Im going to have to go to my doctors soon , these headaches are freaking me out :S