View Full Version : Right side - ache inside

01-08-06, 11:26
Hi Guys.

I (think) i have had this pain on and off for years, but as i have got older it lasts longer (if its the same pain) and i concentrate on it more since i have developed anxiety.

Its in my right side from the bottom rib edge starting at the center then down to the right side and all the way down to my pelvis, it feels abit like a heart burn feeling.. but i cant pinpoint the ache. it fells all over that area. sometimes i think its lower rib ache, then other times it feels more inside appendix wise. or up near the ribs liver wise.

When u cough it hurts all over that area like i have been punched there.

I have a terrible posture and im usualy slouched at a desk all day.

if i realy slouch i can feel the ache and it feels like theres something hard inside that moves or 'pops' out as i slouch maybe its just skin and fat and stuff as i scrunch myself up.

I went to the docs a few months ago and she examind me and found nothing, she gave me some zantac and said its probs some indigestion - though i feel i may have put those words in her mouth when i said - i have had a similar pain before in the center of my chest and was perscribed zantac.

confused and worried.

01-08-06, 12:34
Ive had this recently to be honest. I put it down to a pulled muscle but its very persistant! Going on over a month now. Not sure if its the same thing, but mine isnt so much pain but an awareness of it. I wondered if its my liver & did notice it more after a night out on the booze. My guy mentioned the other day that he stopped drinking vodka because the next day he would get a pain under his right ribs, i was like thats what i get! But im seriously not sure if its the liver you know. Possibly is muscular. And feeling shattered/stressed/hungover just excentuates the symptom. But mine varies from just under the ribs to, other times, all down my side. Different positions im in makes it worse. But its always fine in the mornings when i wake up.
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

01-08-06, 12:47
Thanks for the reply Caz, i get what you mean with an 'awareness' i would describ as that untill i cough... the it feels like a surface muscular pain as my side/stomach tense when i cough.

i remember thinking it was down to alcohol but im a light drinker. say maybe 1 pint if any over the working week then maybe a couple friday night and maybe 4-5 saturday - but not every weekend (im usualy drunk on 1) i dont drink the export type stuff though. i wouldnt consider that a binge?!? and i dont drink spirits.

I do somtimes wake up with heart burn from drinking the night before.

I did wake up this morn and notice it wasnt as bad but it gets worse through the day.

Thay do say the liver can repair itself and i wouldt say i was realy abusing it. but you always think the worst

10-08-07, 14:36
ok its been a year since and it still comes on and off.

had it really bad the past few days, so been to the quaks this morn.

amongst that i have testicular pain which you may have read my post about before. im being referd for that now since its been a year and its not gone away (ultrasound showed inflamed tubes and excess liquid in that side) doctor didnt give me any pills to clear it, but has now (although said it wont work because it should have gone by itself after 12 months.

anyway im being refered to a specialist.

as far as my belly pains go he felt me and said it bowl related but since the only symptom i have is pain i thinks its IBS related (other symptoms such as the runs, constipation, excess gass). which i had really bad in my teens but he wants to sort out my testicular issue first.

i just wondered if anyone else with IBS had this pain (not so much a pain but a general feeling in that area) i do think its worse when im in a stressfull / nervouse situation.

is it worth me getting some IBS pills and seing if it changes it?

11-08-07, 14:48
i too get alot of achiness/tenderness in my right side. i started with it last year and in the first instance i was convinced i had breast cancer as the achiness seemed to be in that area.of course the more i worried about it the worse i felt despite people and my doc reassuring me if i had breast pain the chance of it being breast cancer was slim. (no lumps found either).

i still get alot of achiness and tenderness in my right side now and it never seems to be in one place. sometimes it feels like its in my chest area another its my ribs and another my lower abdomen.(but its always the right side)

i did however wonder if it was due to me having acid reflux as i was diagnoised with this around the same time i first started with all the achiness.

maybe it could be due to ibs as i do suffer with symptoms common to that and i do know ibs and reflux can go hand in hand.

i try not to fret too much about it now although i still get days when i feel really bad and convince myself i have alsorts wrong, and i have found out i too feel worse when stressed or when i sit and worry about it.

i have found that by wrighting it down i feel better and i can look back and see if there is a trigger.

wishing u well
