View Full Version : Need some reassurance

15-09-12, 18:45
Not feeling so good right now, looking for some reassurance

Dont know how to stop these symptoms, i had them for so long. I dont want to go on meds.

I have a nervous feeling in my stomach all the time, like the feeling you get when you have to perform infront of people. Feel flu-like and tired alot and yawn all the time.

Feel lightheaded during the day. Only feel good in the morning or when im in bed at night really. I often feel like im not really here even tho i know i am, just a very spaced out feeling. I have to urinate constantly and my eyes and mouth are always dry.

When i go out or driving i feel panic coming on. The more i try to push it away it only gets worse. As soon as i think about if i feel spaced out or unreal i start to feel it.

I read about letting panic come over you but when i feel full blown panic i can never really do it, i can calm myself down quite good but im tired of feeling nervous all the time.

Don't know how to explain everything, i just feel very out of it, i want to feel normal, but i only feel normal when im in bed at night on my laptop, during the day i have all these symptoms. Help

15-09-12, 18:48
These are all symptoms of anxiety and I am feeling just the same at the moment. Have you had any counselling or cognitive behaviour therapy? It does help you to be able to cope with the feelings better. :hugs::hugs:

15-09-12, 19:51
Thnx Annie. I had cbt for a little while not sure if it really helped.

Im feeling really bad can more people reply please:weep: