View Full Version : Diarrhoea and anxiety?

15-09-12, 19:44
This is something fairly recent thats started happening to me, when I say recent probably the last 12 months or so, when I get anxious apart from the usual symptoms of heart rate, worrying about going crazy I also now worry about diarrhoea, I feel my stomach going and cramps and if I am somewhere I can't easily get to the toilet the worse it is, and when I do eventually get to the toilet it is full blown diarrhoea, I mentioned it in passing to my doctor who said is was probably IBS but wasn't overly worried nor did he offer any advice on how to stop this. Its becoming a nightmare really as I am very uncomfortable in cars as it is without the new symptom which has developed, In the car on the way to work each morning I feel my stomach going and once I get to work I have to run to the loo. Luckily I haven't had any accidents yet but I worry about that. Anyone else have this problem?

15-09-12, 20:17
Hi, I have this. For about 18 months now, increasingly getting worse. I have had to give up work, don't go out hardly at all and never on my own. I have had accidents both at home and outside which caused me to lose all self confidence.

I have suffered from depression for 10 years but when the "ibs" started it all got worse.

Just thinking about going out causes me to go to the toilet, but now its not just thinking about going out, its anytime I get stressed which seems to be all the time.

I have been having tablets for the depression, ibs, insomina but lately nothing seems to work.

Speak to your gp before you really get caught up in the cycle of ibs causing stress and stress causing ibs if you know what I mean.

I really hope you get control of this soon, I think I made it harder as I did not seek any help at the beginning and have got caught up in the vicious circle.

15-09-12, 20:20
Hi, I have this. For about 18 months now, increasingly getting worse. I have had to give up work, don't go out hardly at all and never on my own. I have had accidents both at home and outside which caused me to lose all self confidence.

I have suffered from depression for 10 years but when the "ibs" started it all got worse.

Just thinking about going out causes me to go to the toilet, but now its not just thinking about going out, its anytime I get stressed which seems to be all the time.

I have been having tablets for the depression, ibs, insomina but lately nothing seems to work.

Speak to your gp before you really get caught up in the cycle of ibs causing stress and stress causing ibs if you know what I mean.

I really hope you get control of this soon, I think I made it harder as I did not seek any help at the beginning and have got caught up in the vicious circle.

Yes its when I am stressed or anxious I also get this, I tried imodium tablets, before when I had diarrhoea these things would stop me pooing completely for a couple of days, doesn't work at all with this, but yes I am already in that cycle, when I get in the car now I start thinking about this and thinking about it brings it on.

15-09-12, 20:31
Your doctor should give some tablets for the IBS. Mine has given me tablets to stop the diarrhoea but they don't work. I am on my second different ones now so maybe some will work for you. I also have tablets to stop the spasms, these help, I used to be curled up on the bed a couple days of the week, but now I can cope with the pain.
Go back and see your gp and ask for some medication.