View Full Version : Painful sensations

15-09-12, 19:52
Just wondered if anyone suffers from sensations that actually hurt? Ive been getting random pinching feelings throughout my body and like pin pricks also. Sometimes I feel like something is stinging me and other times like someone is sprinkling me with acid ! :( They don't happen during panic attacks kit randomly throughout the day as I'm always in an anxious state
Can anyone else relate?
I'm getting so bored of feeling like this! Anyone know how to make all these sensations go away :(

15-09-12, 20:24
Yes , I get weird burning sensations on my skin and bad shooting pains on my Scalp.
Just yet another pitfall of Anxiety i'm afraid :hugs:

15-09-12, 21:14
yes for about three months I had random pains, shooting pains, burning pains, just generally felt like crap.

thats gone and now all my joints are popping and cracking and its driving me nuts. I have no idea whats wrong with me x

15-09-12, 21:24
I JUST mentioned this in another post. I get random pin prick sensations. Usally in the arms and mainly legs. I was getting them for a month before my panic attack returns. I think now they were the warning signs leading back to my panic attacks. It's not like pins and needls when your foot goes numb. Noting like that at all. Like literally someone is poking you with a pin in random places. This is not a symptom during an attack though. With them I get a rush of burning adrenaline through my arms,chest and shoulders. AWFUL x