View Full Version : What us up with my head! It hurts when I move it!

15-09-12, 20:35
Hi, for 2 days now I have noticed that my head aches, when I Sniff, Walk and sit down and also while bending down fully with head down! When this happens, The ache is around both temple sides! its a mild pain, but I tend to put my hands on it to make the pain go away! It feels like my ears go numb aswell! and When I walk while fearing the worst, I feel like I want to faint but cant, I don't feel dizzy but feel I it coming! when it does, I distract myself and it goes away!
While bending down, my head feels heavy and there is pressure pushing downwards!
I haven't taken any pain killers yet!

I only did 1 thing bad that could have triggered it, which was looking at lights, flashing myself with camera, and watching flashing moves, this was because I was testing if I had epilepsy, my fear of the week! I was checking if I would have a seizure, but it turns out I don't and I realised it was just fear and I don't have it! I am not that afraid of it now!

But did I do some permanent damage to my brain?
Should I try pain killers first before going to the doctors?

No long headaches! just 1 second one offs while normal activity's!

I hope I have given you enough information!


15-09-12, 20:57

I'm not a doctor, and i think if this continues and/or doesn't get any better it could be worth speaking to your GP on Monday however whenever i've had a 'funny' head before i.e. that feels headachy when i bend over it was my sinsues. Sometimes they were just a little congested (like at the start of a cold) and other times i've had a sinus infection (though this was where if i touched the bridge of my nose it kinda hurt quite a bit!)

It could also be a normal headache but because you are feeling a bit sensitive it feels a little strange. I've been the same for the past couple of days, as had a headache just above my eyes. Again i think this is stress and tiredness.

i think the best thing to do would be to take a painkiller (provided you can), rest, maybe watch a film, drink plenty of water/fluids, have an early night and see how you feel tomorrow.