View Full Version : Can I ask for a colonoscopy? WARNING WEIRD BM DRAWING.

Anxiety Jim
15-09-12, 21:02
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'm not having one, since I saw my doctor on Friday, who calmed me down about most of my symptoms there's one that he wanted me to come back in for, and that was the shape of my stools.

There is like a deep groove that goes through the entire length of the stool (cross section, left drawing), and the entire stool is curved very tightly (right drawing) with the groove on the inside, drawing:


I've had this for 2 years now, with the first doctor saying probably haemorrhoids, but he couldn't feel anything, and the second doctor one year later saying the same, probably haemorrhoids but he couldn't feel anything either.

I gave my doctor a big list of my symptoms on Friday, and he's getting me in for an ultrasound for my abdomen to put my mind at rest about pancreatic cancer. But he said to come back in a week to have a rectal exam for the stool shape, because he said he didn't have time to do it there and then.

Now this has got me really worried that it's bowel cancer, I'm obese (was 24 stone last month, now 23) I used to eat 3 - 4 portions of red meat EVERY DAY, and hardly ever eat any fibre, since Wednesday I've not had any red meat at all, but I'm sure I've already got the cancer so it won't help.

I'm sure my doctor will dismiss my concerns by saying I'm too young, but after a lot of research (over the last 2 years, I've been staying off google recently) I've discovered that:

Most cases of bowel cancer are in those over 45
BUT Anyone over 20 can get bowel cancer

Also I used to get a lot of blood in my stools, and when I say my GP last year he said it's probably the haemorrhoids (that he couldn't find) bleeding. The bleeding doesn't happen any more which makes me think the cancer is more advanced now :-(

I'm sorry for posting again with yet another fear, but this is a symptom I definitely can't make up, and I've had it for 2 years.

Can I ask for a colonoscopy from my GP? Even though he's sent me for an ultrasound he doesn't think I need.

Oh and also, I tried to get an appointment with my GP for next week, but he's fully booked, and also he's away for the week after that, so I can't see him until OCTOBER, which has got me super panicy, because I want to start treatment ASAP.

15-09-12, 21:16
Jim if you have had this for 2 years and it was cancer then you would be dead by now to be honest.

Anxiety Jim
15-09-12, 21:27
Jim if you have had this for 2 years and it was cancer then you would be dead by now to be honest.

That's what I've been trying to tell myself. But bowel cancer can be slow growing which has me worried.

15-09-12, 21:45
Not that slow though

Anxiety Jim
15-09-12, 21:57
OK thanks, i know its a lot more likely to be haemorrhoids. I'm just scared about the small chance.

15-09-12, 22:20
Now this has got me really worried that it's bowel cancer, I'm obese (was 24 stone last month, now 23) I used to eat 3 - 4 portions of red meat EVERY DAY, and hardly ever eat any fibre, since Wednesday I've not had any red meat at all, but I'm sure I've already got the cancer so it won't help.

Sorry Jim I am confused. You admit that your diet is lacking in fibre which can cause all sorts of stool problems.

Instead of asking for medical procedures is it not worth trying to eat more healthly and see where you go from there.

The amount of meat you are eating is unhealthy in itself before factoring in the lack of fibre and I assume fruit and veg in your diet.

You are getting an ultrasound to make you feel better which re-assured you yesterday. Has your doctor suggested anything to tackle your actual anxiety rather than the individual symptoms you have presented with?

Like Nic has said if it was cancer it would have let itself be known much sooner than 2 years down the line.

tc Elen

15-09-12, 22:25

Let the docs get the scan done first then see how things are ok?

15-09-12, 22:28
And start taking the ADs your GP's prescribed.


Anxiety Jim
15-09-12, 22:37
I have been eating a lot more fruit the last month, and kicked the meat since Wednesday. Ive lost about 1.5 stones in 3 months, so im going in the right direction. But still about 10 stone to go.

Now my abdominal pain has almost gone, ill start my sertraline on Monday i think.

15-09-12, 22:45
Evening Jim ))
Keep on with that diet change, it'll help you feel a lot better.
Any particular reason you're waiting to start your med treatment ?

Anxiety Jim
15-09-12, 22:55
Evening Jim ))
Keep on with that diet change, it'll help you feel a lot better.
Any particular reason you're waiting to start your med treatment ?

Im supposed to have 1every morning, so can't start today, and i will probably wake up late tomorrow, so ill start monday morning.

Ive been putting it off this week because ive been on pain killers, anti spasmodics, laxatives etc. Because of abdominal pain.

16-09-12, 12:40
they usualy refer you to a gastro consultant ..who then decides wether you need say a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy ect ect ... ive had bowel problems for years mainley i.b.s ect but mine gone bad lately ..i gotta have colonoscopy and endoscopy but im 39 ....gotta be honest not looking forward to tests but ive had lot issues ....but your gp will no which route is best due to age symptons ect...they never offerd me ultrasound sounds like they maybe checking gallbladder maybe dunno ...? hope things improve jim ..:) i no how
bad anxiety makes you feel and makes out bowels a mess with all worrying ect and pain alot i hear you mate ...

Anxiety Jim
16-09-12, 21:48
I'm having an ultrasound for my abdominal pain that's I've been having for just over a week, so it's not related to my bowel problems.

There's definitely something causing a blockage, and I think that most people after being told it's probably haemorrhoids would leave it at that, and for various points over the last year and a half (since I first got it) I'm always convincing myself it must be advanced bowel cancer...

17-09-12, 11:46
i understand jim anxiety is so evil ...
we get all these weird physical symptons and worry its the worst like ..
its so hard to convince yourself its nothing bad its like your head wont have it thats what i find like..and also i find beliving the doctors sometimes hard aswell as just because we have anxiety its like we get palmed off or thats how it feels to me from my doctors ...i just hope your symptons ease up jim or you get answers thats all we want innit mate ,not much to ask is it ..i blame the nhs ect as doctors literaly cant wait to get you out the rooms these days ect and waiting times for tests are joke .so people like us who have anxiety just suffer more it seems we dont get taken seriousley :-( sad as like ...hope things just ease up jim as ive been having rough time for long time threw health anxiety and depression and understand how bad it all gets ..