View Full Version : someone please help!!!

kris 1
01-08-06, 12:04
hi guys,
please,if anybody else has suffered what i am about to describe
could you let me know,as i am in a real state at present and feel
terrible!I dont know what is happening to me at the moment,i
suffer from depersonalisation/derealism but i dont know if it can
make you feel this detached from reality?i feel as i am in a
dream i cant wake from,people i know well and places i know
well seem unfamiliar and i feel disorientated,i my dreams are
really vivid,and i seem to continually have flashbacks of
memories from childhood constantly,i feel exhausted,like i
havent slept for days when i have and dreams and reality are
blurring one another i have just upped my dosage of paxil from
10mg to 15mg could this be causing this???any feedback would
be so so appreciated as i think im going mad!!!

thanks so much,

01-08-06, 12:48
I don't know much about Paxil mate but you hang on in there as I am sure someone will be able to share their experiences on it.

The depersonalisation is horrid and happens to me when my anxiety is high - almost like I am watching the world as if its all on a film and I am on the outside of it all. It does feel freaky yes!

This will obviously calm down as and when your anxiety levels drop - meanwhile is there anyway in which you could relax yourself a little more.

An exercise that is quite good is;

Make yourself comfy laying down and describe all your individual body parts to yourself, start with your little toe, then the fourth toe and move through all the toes on the right side, then your ankle, then your calf, moving up through the body as you go, from your shoulders down to your elbow and wrists and fingers etc. Remember your neck, head, eyes too.

Repeat this on your left side.

If you do this slowly its very relaxing and also helps with insommnia.

It will pass hun and hopefully someone may have some insight on whether the tablets are playing a part or not. If you still have doubts then it doesnt do any harm to ask your doctor does it.

Piglet x:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

kris 1
01-08-06, 12:55
thanks for your advice piglet,will be sure to try that technique
Kris xx

01-08-06, 13:21
Hi Kris,
I have been like that all morning...I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since I was 13 and am now 27. I have not had panick attack for about 3 years until this morning. I always get the feeling that Iam about ten foot up in the sky looking down on myself and a really strong feeling that I have no control over my actions. It is an terrible feeling and although I suffer these feelings every time I have a panic attack it does not make it any easier at understanding why I feel like this! This is the first time I have been on this forum but I must say it is so comforting to hear that Iam not the only one that feels this way...when I have this feeling I feel so alone because the only people who understood me were my parents and I have just moved away from home (2 hours drive away). I now live with my boyfriend and although he knows I suffer from panic attacks im not sure he would understand if i told him how scared i felt about it,
Hope things are a little easier for you now, one thing I did find helped for while was an elastic band around my wrist hat i used to ping when the 'feeling' started...this is sposed to break the chain of thought,

01-08-06, 13:30
Hi Kris,

I can only advise on the medication part of paxil and my experience on it and I did not experience what you are going through. I think it must be the anxiety and panic. Hopefully, when the medication kicks in it will help with these symptoms, good luck.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

01-08-06, 14:54
If you have panic attacks I highly recommend Klonopin waffers (they disolve in your tongue) work FAST under 20 minutes and you get long relief because of it's long have-life. I also tale 100mg of Zoloft, once a day and at night because they make me sleepy.


01-08-06, 15:54
Hi, I'm a regualr with De-realisation and De-Personalisation! I hate it too and find it very frightening. I usually get a sensation of being not real, or like this isn't really my life, and sometimes I have sort of 'why are we here?' thoughts. I've found the only thing that can help me out of these feelings is to tell myself- "This is real, I am really here" and think of something I saw on the news to bring myself back to reality.

Hope this helps.


01-08-06, 18:30
Dont worry it will pass honest. Its just your brain going on a go slow. Its the body reduceing the amount of stress intake. It is a good thing.
When i first got it i use to panic even more until i was told that its only your brain shutting down a little to prevent any more harm. I find that reading a book helps.

Take care it will pass.
suzanne x

s shaw

01-08-06, 18:45
Hi Kris!
lynneti and suzanne are spot on!

I found that reading helps a lot. For me I don't think it's the understanding of what you are reading that does it, but the actual process of making your brain do something that is 'above' what you are experiencing. Perhaps the more energy you put into reading the less is going to fuel your anxiety?
Hope you feel better soon. I had a horrible episode a few days ago, which I thought would never end, whilst on a weekend away visiting friends - but it did end and will end even the next time!

Hope this is of some help to you

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'