View Full Version : Taking Citalopram

Dee Dees
15-09-12, 21:02
Hi all

Im new to the forum but really wanted to add my experiences to let others know
what I have experienced with these meds.
Have been on the meds for over two years. Started on the 20mg as prescribed by GP
due to depression and anxiety. What a disaster! Really really bad side effects.
severe nausea, runny nose headaches etc. The meds just did not agree with me. After speaking to the GP again she reduced the dose to 10mg. I really felt alot better on the
lower dose. No severe side effects other than the runny nose. In terms of the depression and anxiety it did really help but took a long while to feel the effects.

About a month ago my anxiety seemed way worse so GP prescribed a higher dose of
20mg. About a week into taking the higher dose I had a really really bad experience. sitting at work and the day seemed a bit more stressful than usual. my body went into
over drive and started twitching and convulsing uncontrollably. I went into A&E and was prescribed meds for parkinsons disease! I really felt that this really couldnt help so got a
second opinion and yep parkinsons meds were the correct ones to take surprisingly.

Reading the side effects of Citalopram twitching is a very rare side effect. Seeing my GP
later on she said that she had never seen anything like it before!
My decision from there was to stop taking Citalopram. I slowly weaned myself off them and cannot stress enough how important it is that you do it slowly.
now been off them for close to 2 weeks and I feel fantastic! I feel like a
different person all together.

Although I had a bad experience with these meds they did what they were meant to.
Being positive and having brilliant family support has also helped.

All i can say is that you need patience! The withdrawl symptoms are strange. Severe dizziness and vivid dreams aswell as headaches.
These are all my own experiences and I dont regret taking them. I felt that I was just ready to stop taking them.

Really hope my forum has helped at least one person. try be as positive as possible (sometimes easier said than done!)
