View Full Version : Struggling tonight

15-09-12, 22:26
I don't know why, but my anxiety is quite bad tonight and I'm struggling, particularly with regular waves of near-panic :(

I've had 2mg Diazepam plus some squirts of Rescue Remedy but I'm not sure they're working very well.

My stomach and throat feel tight, and every time I yawn (which is often as I'm quite tired) I worry I'm going to be sick, which triggers another wave of anxiety.

The (possibly) good thing is that I'm becoming more aware of the thoughts that are triggering the waves. For instance, I used to think that making sure I had the "right" things to hand would stop me panicking/being sick, but when I've mentally run through what I "need" to comfort me, it has actually triggered a wave. I think I need to gain confidence that I won't be sick (or if I am, it doesn't matter) and then maybe I'll stop running through my list of safety things, which will stop my mind triggering waves of panic, if that makes any sense?

I doubt it's possible to do ALL of that tonight though, so for the time being I'm distracting myself with the TV and forum, and trying to remind myself that what I'm feeling is only adrenaline - it can't hurt me, and if I leave it alone it will pass by itself. I'm not 100% sure I'm listening to myself yet though....:mad:

15-09-12, 22:42
You seem to know exactly what's going on there, so it'll subside quickly I guess.
Till then good luck, it's just an unpleasant feeling ))