View Full Version : All alone tonight

Allison Jayne
16-09-12, 01:14
Im all alone tonight, my partner is doing voulntry work for Acorns children's charity. They have an annual midnight walk and hes helping to steward it. He's not due in till 4 am ish but I've managed so well tonight I'm really Pleased with myself! I haven't rang my partner or my dad :-) but I have recueved text ls of them both to say goodnight! This is a big deal for me as I'm not used to being on my own at night ( not really alone as I have three boys but you know what I mean). Ok I'm rambling now hehe, goodnight everyone and I hope you all have peaceful days to come xxx

16-09-12, 01:15
Really pleased you are feeling calm and in control :) I hope you have a great night's rest. Enjoy it :)

16-09-12, 01:38
Being alone at night is hard, so well done :)

Allison Jayne
16-09-12, 15:26
Thank you both for your replies, I managed really well. Hope you're both well xxx

17-09-12, 08:38
H Allison,

Glad to hear you managed to get through the night.

Allison Jayne
17-09-12, 16:17
Thank you David :-)