View Full Version : My Pneumonia update

16-09-12, 01:56
So I have been taking antibiotics for five days now and I am still coughing up a storm My chest feels like it is tight and phlemy. I feel a big pressure on my chest. When is this going to be better? My mom passed away from lung cancer so this is my biggest fear...lung issues terrify me. Has anyone had pneumonia and how long does it take to go away? Will I keep getting it now that I have had it? The deep coughing sounds awful and I get looks from people when I cough. I need some relief.

16-09-12, 02:12
Take probiotics too or eat the live natural yogurt.
Did the doctor give you an inhalour? They can help.
Take codeine if you can, it stops you from coughing I found it helpful when I had a chest infection. To be honest it took weeks for the cough to fully clear up.
How's your temp? Is it normal or high?

Go back to your doctor if you're not feeling any better.

16-09-12, 02:27
My temp is okay. The cough is the worse thing and the heavy feeling in my chest. I also have a doctor phobia so even the thought of having to go back scares me. I don't cough during the night....only all day long.

16-09-12, 03:39
Well if your temps ok that's good :)
How bad are you coughing ? Any trouble breathing ?

When I had a bad cough, I was very freaked out as my chest hurt and felt tight for a few days . So I think it's fairly common.
Also coughing can make you dizzy n it can be hard to catch your breath at times.

16-09-12, 04:27
Yes...that is what I wanted to know...if anyone had this tight chest that hurt. I cough all day and sometimes hard so maybe the muscles are strained and sore. My breathing is a bit shallow because if i breathe deep...I cough. When I suck on hard menthol candy I feel better for a short time. I just took a pill to hp me sleep because I am scaring myself.Thank you for sharing.