View Full Version : ganglion cyst? lump on wrist

16-09-12, 07:42
Okay so i was in the queue yesterday and messing around with my wrists (as you do) and to my horror!!! I found a lump more like a fluid lump.
I felt instantly sick and couldnt wait to get home. My bf, mum and dad didn no what all the panic was about as my bf and dad said ive sprained it and my mum said it was a ganglion. A ganglion :s!? Ive never heard of one
Anyway i googled it (very naughty i no as my doc has banned me from google haha)
But to the point anyone else got a ganglion??????

16-09-12, 08:00
I've heard of them. Honestly a little lump on your hand is nothing to worry about :)
Mention it to your doctor?
If you're looking you will find lumps n bumps all over.
I've a hard lump some where on the back of hand, found it ages ago n at first too I was scared but now I figure it's normal enough as I hear of others having the same.

16-09-12, 08:22
Hi there,

I've had a ganglion on my wrist - it was on the top where the hand meets the wrist. It was a bit painful and, in my case, caused by carrying trays when I worked as a waiter as a student. It used to get bigger and smaller on a weekly basis.

It just went on its own in the end and never caused me any real problems. I would suggest mentioning it to your GP.


16-09-12, 08:25
Thanks guys for your reassurance! Will pop to the docs next week just to make sure.:)

16-09-12, 09:02
My mum had a ganglion for years, just as Pipkin described (except hers was from pushing buggies when she worked as a childminder). It's nothing to worry about & should go on its own eventually :)

16-09-12, 22:27
I no your all gona tell me off but !...... I tired the "traditional" technique of hitting the cyst with a large book !
I FORCED my mum to do this and she was in stitches, i on the other hand was in tears lol.
Anyway i do not recommend this as it didnt work and now my wrist just feels bruised.

Have learnt my lesson and going to leave my little cyst alone for 4 days then ill go docs. :)

16-09-12, 22:34
Oh my gosh I can't believe you did that - oooouch!!! Please don't think of doing it again!

If you can get hold of some (I think Boots keep it), when my mum had a recurrence of her ganglion a few years ago I worked in a complementary health clinic, and one of the therapists there treated my mum and suggested that she rub it with white tiger balm twice a day. Mum found that it did help in reducing it more quickly.

17-09-12, 06:35
Hmmm, traditional technique indeed. Not to be advised and it must really have hurt!

Elle-Kay's advice is good - I've used tiger balm before and it gives a nice warm feeling which helps if it's hurting. Get your mum to massage it in for 10 minutes. Just no more hitting it with heavy objects!


17-09-12, 09:08
Thanks, shall invest in some Tiger Balm today, it's a good job i work next door to boots
Ganglion updates coming soon :D

(I'm sure it's making my finger tingle too)

17-09-12, 09:39
I too suffer from a ganglion on the wrist and have also had smaller ones on the joints between the hand and fingers. Mine is quite painful.

The reason why your "traditional method" did not work is because you need to use a bible not any old book. :winks: :roflmao:

Joking aside the Doctor told me the only way to remove it is to have surgery. However I will be watching this thread with interest and perhaps invest in some Tiger Balm.

Should add the pain is due to movement, pressure etc of the wrist not the actual ganglion.

17-09-12, 09:53
I've had a ganglion on my wrist for over 30 years on and off. It can ache a bit sometimes but it isn't anything to worry about. I get quite fond of mine to be honest - yes I know I'm odd!:D

17-09-12, 17:28
I too suffer from a ganglion on the wrist and have also had smaller ones on the joints between the hand and fingers. Mine is quite painful.

The reason why your "traditional method" did not work is because you need to use a bible not any old book. :winks: :roflmao:

Joking aside the Doctor told me the only way to remove it is to have surgery. However I will be watching this thread with interest and perhaps invest in some Tiger Balm.

Should add the pain is due to movement, pressure etc of the wrist not the actual ganglion.

Lol maybe i should have used the bible then haha

Would you have surgery ? I've read that surgery for these cysts is very unsuccessful as they grow back anyway.

Its soo hard to leave it alone but every minute im prodding poking and rubbing it lol

18-09-12, 20:01
Too be honest I have heard the same about them growing back so for me it is best to leave well alone. I have also heard that you can have it drained with a needle but again it can come back.

I go through phases of prodding and poking it but other times I hardly notice it is there.

30-10-12, 10:38
Ganglion update guys!
Recently i noticed my ganglion had been getting bigger and today i was just getting ready for work and i felt a weird pressure sensation looked down and my ganglion has gone?!
Very pleased and slightly confused.