View Full Version : need advice please help

16-09-12, 10:29
Today I’m feeling a little bit better though i am still having intrusive Thor.
I feel Tammy does not know what to do if i have a “moment” which honestly scares me, she wants me to help her take Thea to school tomorrow I keep thinking “what if” i do have a moment? How will she deal with me? How will i get through it? I know that i should be telling her this but i don’t know how without hurting her feelings as she is quite an emotional person. HELP!!!

16-09-12, 12:25
You really need to sit down with her and explain thoroughly how it effects you and it makes you feel. She may not understand but you need to see first because if she does together you can work out the 'what ifs' and be prepared for them as you go through life. You can work through it together setting yourself targets and pushing yourself through it. Good luck.

17-09-12, 09:08
just had to tell someone, I did it i managed to take my daughter to school today, first time out of the house grounds in well over a month and have to admit i'm buzzing right now, though i know its only a small step and there is a lot more work to do before i'm able to do everything i used to i am deffo having a good morning. thank you to all of you that have supported me since i joined i really feel the love :D