View Full Version : dizziness worries

16-09-12, 12:26
Im just wondering if any one get a funny dizzyness not like your going to fall over but more like your floating i freaks me out really bad iv only had this problem since my back tooth fleared up iv also noticed i get a funny feeling above my eyebrows at the same time. how can anxiety give you so many different symptoms every week. Keep thinking i have cancer or something wrong with my brain but doc says i see him every week with different symptoms and my bloods are normal, eye test is good and chest x ray and ecg clear so am i going crazy ?

16-09-12, 12:30
well if you are going crazy the rest of us are too!! No I think that these are all common symptoms of anxiety and you have had the reassurance from your doctor that it is nothing more, it is just hard to accept that sometimes when you are feeling so bad :hugs::hugs:

16-09-12, 14:18
yes its a part of the anxiety world.