View Full Version : Just need people to understand

16-09-12, 13:09
Hi guys. Im really worried about everything in my life....things going wrong...il not live my full life and die. Im 4 weeks pregnant and am so scared that its not growing properly and that ive got internal bleeding or something and the only way im going to dfind out is when i drop down and faint in public. Being scared is so horrible, and i feel im doing my families heads in as they dont have my worry. Many people would be pleased they were pregnant insted im worrying that its being strangled or im about to die....why am i like this. I had a scan at 4 weeks and nothing showed, told to come back and also told about the risks of eptopic pregnancies. Now im worried sick xx

16-09-12, 13:27
Katie you must try to stop worrying, we have already told you that 4 weeks is far to early to see a baby on a scan and explained to you about ectopic pregnancies. Please be patient until you can have a scan at 6-8 weeks. If you had any internal bleeding it would show. Please try to calm yourself down and find something to do to distract you from theses feelings. sending you :hugs::hugs:

17-09-12, 00:27
Try and relax honey, this isn't good for you. x

17-09-12, 00:29
Hi Katy

Did you see the replies on your other thread?