View Full Version : had enough if HA, my symptoms

16-09-12, 13:32

I have two little girls 1 & 2 and all I think about every day is that Im not going to see these little girls grow up

For two yrs I have suffered really badly with internal tremors/buzzing then three mths ago I just woke up aching, different joints all over every day, then came the burning pain, the aches went and then I started having really bad muscle spasms/twitches, these have calmed down to maybe thirty a day.

now the one I really don't get and I know cant be HA is cracking joints, again one day it just started, its even in my neck? every time it turns it crunches. I am so scared to go to the docs. I just want to feel normal and not worry and enjoy my kids Like I should, rather than feel sad and worried 24/7

I've been like this for about 5 yrs but its getting worse and worse, before I'd worry about silly things like a little bump on a gum or something, but now these symptoms are so REAL that i'm convincing myself I have some horrid disease x

16-09-12, 13:37
I think you should go to your doctors and tell him how you are feeling, I am sure the symptoms will be anxiety but he is the only one who can do tests and reassure you that you are fine :hugs::hugs:

16-09-12, 13:40
I went when the pains first started about 3 mths ago and he said he thought viral arthritis and I went two yrs ago about the buzzing and he did tests and everything came back fine.

I know I need to go back but I am too scared x

16-09-12, 13:59
Anxiety symptoms are as real as others.
Back when I was experiencing GAD I had frequent cracking joints at the base of my skull, neck and shoulder. Even though it still occurs from time to time (right now my neck is cracking with every move), I'm sure stress + bad postural habits from stress either make it happen or make it worse.

16-09-12, 14:06
Thanks Fred. Im sure it is too, maybe something else suppose I need a doc to make me feel better.

16-09-12, 14:17
Don't worry if those cracks don't disappear in the next few days, it can take a while to go away. Also, avoid stretching your neck exaggeratedly in an attempt to relax it cause this could delay the healing a bit.

16-09-12, 14:25
Thanks again, I've not doing any exercises and will be avoiding sleeping on the bloody sofa :)

Funny but this is the one thing out of all the things I've had thats worried me the most :shrug:

Hate this HA. I have a great hubby, gorgeous girl, great friends but this bloody HA just seems to take over

16-09-12, 14:32
I can get that, though I doubt cracking joints can be associated with anything threatening health-wise.
Like most people with HA I never "enjoyed" stuffs involving my head, or close to it. At the same time I had to admit this area is really sensitive to anxiety, and seems to be a permanent supply of symptoms if you pay too much attention to it ;)

16-09-12, 14:39
A agree totally and the more you focus on one point the worse the symptoms become. I've also noticed if I hear on here of one particular symptom if I think about it too much I actually get it... crazy!