View Full Version : struggling, advice needed!

Kate Naomi
01-08-06, 13:30
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site! I am suffering from anxiety related to my breathing. It started when I had an allergic reaction to a tablet and now I permanently feel like I can't breath properly. It controls my life 24hrs a day and I sit there freaking out that my throat is closing and I will die.

I know it sounds a little strange and I keep telling myself that I am okay but I can't stop the panic and the fear of impending death. I am currently on Zoloft and have been taking it for 6 weeks without much improvement. All of this hit me out of the blue and I just want to regain control again. I have to struggle through each day with my only aim to get through the day. Everyone keeps telling me that I am breathing fine and I have had various tests which are okay so I don't know why I feel the way I do.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? any advice would be really appreciated, I am really struggling.

Thanks a million.

Kate Naomi

01-08-06, 20:59
Hi Kate , i can really understand you , some time ago i felt like that , it lasted for months and months really , it was horrible, i was feeling like i can`t breathe , like my throat is gonna close but also like i couldn`t open up my lungs...everyone was saying it`s just anxiety but it was too scary to stop thinking and obsessing about it , i was scared to go to bed most nights...and even now when i`m better then i was in years i still now and again fear it`s gonna come back , i don`t think about any of the other symptoms but that is still playing on my mind , it is actually right now lol i have to stay for a month at my mother in laws cause of work and that is where it was all happening so i`m a bit anxious about it these days ...so u`re not alone really ...in time it will just go

Kate Naomi
02-08-06, 06:48

Thanks, it really helps to know that I am not the only one!

Best wishes,

Kate Naomi

03-08-06, 16:13
I don't know whether this will help, but from this site I learnt about diaphragm breathing. It's a very controlled breathing in which you push OUT the diaphragm muscles when you breathe in, and pull them IN when you breathe out. It's counter-intuitive at first, but soon mastered. I use the tehcnique when running and it works a treat. Feel very in control. Look it up and try it!
Very good luck to you.

Kate Naomi
04-08-06, 18:09
Thanks Jason.

I just ordered a book on breathing so I will try it out soon!