View Full Version : Tetanus worries again

16-09-12, 14:02
my ha tends to shift between the c word, diabetes, heart disease and tetanus. i was okay for a few days and told all my worrying thoughts to go some place else, but unfortunately this was to no avail as i am now panicking about tetanus again. it's so annoying how there's always something.

so i cut the outside of my thumb a few days ago, but due to my fast healing it healed and scabbed within a few hours. but then i took my dog for a walk and he went in loads of muddy bits, so when i got home i had to dry and clean him. as i was doing this i noticed i few bits of dirt/soil on the scab and immediately legged it to the bathroom to wash it off. the thing is, i think a tiny bit of the scab hadn't completely healed up fully yet, but wasn't bleeding. i have been panicking about tetanus since then because i haven't had the booster jabs. i had the ones when i was a few months old and i'm almost 17 now. that was the last time i ever had an injection for anything. i keep twitching a little bit and i'm shakey but i don't know if it's the anxiety or not :( i've been searching google for an hour today and i have stored a lot of info in my memory which keeps whirling round my head :(
sorry to ramble a bit but does anyone have any advice/know anything else about tetanus? i'm scared of getting an injection because of adverse side effects and i'm petrified of needles.

sorry it's a bit long :(

16-09-12, 14:12
It wouldn't develop so fast, moreover from such a small wound. Your twitching/shaking are most probably anxiety.
Relax ))

16-09-12, 14:47
you only have to have a total of 5 jabs in your life time you dont need it every 10 years as soon as you get to the 5th your fine