View Full Version : Not normal when it comes to working every weekday...anyone else?

16-09-12, 17:11
This may be fairly difficult to describe and make others understand, however every late afternoon/evening on a work day or sunday I get an overwhelming anxiety that comes over me in waves because I know I have to be up at 6am for work the next day. I also begin the process of worrying about the next day & how it will pan out, especially if something out of the ordinary is happening or I won't be home until late etc etc.
I have this already for tomorrow - its a new job and I am enjoying it but its making my anxiety worse than ever before and I am trying my hardest to ignore it but it is very difficult.
I am a creature of routine and habit and always find this helps my anxiety, however due to this new job I have had to change my eating times (lunch is later than usual at 2pm) and obviously bed times/waking up times alongside what I am eating & even washing my hair (having to do it the night before)
I know these all sound like trivial, everyday occurances but unfortunatley my anxiety prevents me from just carrying on like a normal, stable human being & I feel I have no control over my own life which scares me somewhat.

I still can't get my head round the fact that I will be doing this routine or pretty much close to it for the rest of my life until I am 65 years old or whatever - another 40 odd years. Its insane! And scares me.

Does anyone else have this overwhelming anxiety? I really don't want to mess up my chances with this job, but already I feel like calling in sick and I really don't want to do that as I did in other jobs.

16-09-12, 18:39
Hi there, I have a very similar issue. I have always been a very work conscious person and I think that being that way has made me paranoid about work. My boyfriend always tells me to relax about work and just "do the work and come home", but it's not that easy for me. I'm always stressing about it and like you wondering how the next day will pan out, how the rest of the week will pan out...I started a new job a few months ago and while I really like the people I work with, I find the actual job quite challenging and often sit there not knowing what I'm doing and feel quite depressed...This makes me really not look forward to work and the thought of having to do this until I'm 68 is a gruelling thought...I also feel like this a lot on a Sunday evening. BUT, I guess in these days having a job is quite a blessing and we have to make the most of it. I want to try and not be so paranoid about work and try and find other things to occupy my mind when not at work (dance classes or taking up a hobby-I also like photography) and I guess if something doesn't feel right at work we need to just ask for help and do our best. Easier said than done, right? :) well, I hope you have a good Sunday evening and try not to worry too much about tomorrow. It will be ok. Maybe stick a comedy on tele-that sometimes works quite well for me. :yesyes: