View Full Version : low blood pressure and being cold all the time

01-08-06, 13:51
Does anyone else have low blood pressure? Mine is usually 90/50 but sometimes goes to 80/40 and I get dizzy and I am always cold... it is 100 here and I can't get warm.

My doctor does not seem to be concerned.


01-08-06, 14:41
Hi there, my best friend has exactly the same as you describe. Her doctor is, also, not concerned at all! Make sure you eat and drink well, and most importantly try not to worry (if only?) xxx

01-08-06, 15:45
Thanks for the reply!

I have noticed if I drink a ton of water it brings it right up. I am always hungry and eat healthy so that is not a problem :)

02-08-06, 14:34
My doctor said I was deydrated. So I drank 3 big glasses of water at once then checked it again and it was 106/60! I guess I will have to drink myself to death..but better then being cold and tired all the time :-)