View Full Version : Headache Worries , Please Reply!

16-09-12, 20:49
I keep getting these mild headaches. They worsen when i bend down , move my head quickly or cough. I have been told by relatives its just Sinus problems but i cant get the idea of a Brain Tumour out of my head. My neck feels very tight also . Can anyone reassure me until i can go to the doctors? I have also been getting lots of floaters in my eyes

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

Anyone? :(

16-09-12, 20:51
Your relatives are right, your headaches look like some sinus/nasal issues and the tightness comes from anxiety. There's nothing there hinting at a brain tumour...

Oh, and everybody paying attention would notice floaters in their eyes, especially by the end of the day.

Mr Brownstone
16-09-12, 21:34
Girl in my work suddenly started getting headaches, roughly 4 a month, and went to her doctor. He just said it wasnt anything to worry about. He did give her beta-blockers which seemed to have helped. So it could be nothing, it could be sinuses...its highly unlikely to be anything as serious as a brain tumour though

16-09-12, 21:46
The thing that makes me think it isn't sinusitis is that i had antibiotics not too long ago and it was a strong double dose of anti-biotic known for treating sinusitis. Im really freaking out!!!

16-09-12, 21:51
Do you regularly have sinusitis ?

16-09-12, 21:55
Yes , i had surgery on my nose a few years back after constant nasal congestion for about a year. ( I never had bad headaches though) It helped slightly but its back worse now , im not sure if its allergies or what. I am allergic to cats ( i have a cat ) , dogs and grass so summer isn't ever much fun for me

16-09-12, 22:04
Ok, thought it could have been polyps or something.
Had surgery for a deviated septum but still get a dozen sinusitis a year, just got used to it and the headaches now.

16-09-12, 22:12
All the things you have listed are not syptoms of brain tumour so what makes you think that ? It would be like someone saying i think i have glandular fever because i have ear ache these things arent connected. What is it other than a headache that most people have every day that makes you feel like you have one xx

16-09-12, 22:16
Well this is how my HA began . I had a weird feeling of pressure under / behind my left eye.
Went to the opticians and he tested everything including the pressure , he said there was no problem . I have experienced dizziness and its the type of headache that is making me think its a BT. The headaches that worsen with movement and they are becoming more frequent. I have felt a bit dizzy and have recently noticed i sometimes scuff my feet when walking. I am just on constant alert all the time and i'm picking up on everything then googling it just to find that one answer everytime. Brain Tumour. Also the floaters in my eye

16-09-12, 22:50
Yeah its really horrible to have a worry fixed in your mind but it sounds like your anxiety has just fixed its self all around your head. For some people it is their breathing and others their heart.
If it helps i have had floaters for about 20 years and sometimes they are quite bad and at other times i rarely notice them. I have had it checked out by an eye hospital where they have said they are not an indication of anything. I always get more when stressed.
I have recently been unwell with anxiety after a difficult year and it has lasted about 8 months. It started with headaches and panic attacks and i became convinced my head pains were more than stress or anxiety as i had a constant headache, odd sensations, disturbed vision, feelings of pressure and dizzyness. There was times when i felt that something was going wrong inside my head and i was going to pass out. I would also get a feeling come over me that swept through my head like a flush but it wasnt. Im sure i has every head symptom that was possible lol.
However as i started to accept there wasnt anything seriously wrong as it wasnt following the pattern of brain tumour i started to recover and they gradually went. It took a long time and came and went but did eventually go, so try and believe it will go.
Its a horrible time but it will pass and the trouble is once you know a few synptoms its easy to subconsciously focus on those areas and think you have them. You could honestly pick out any condition and come up with a few symptoms to worry about (but dont do that lol ) take care x

17-09-12, 13:19
It can be sinusitis caused by something other than a bacterial infection. I went through this last year where my sinus problems would not go away even after 2 courses of strong antibiotics. Turned out I had allergies that were causing them. Also could be a viral infection and not bacterial. In both of those cases antibiotics won't help.

Have you tried a saline nose spray or sinus rinse? Those are helpful. Antihistamines will tell you if it is allergies, as they will help if it is.