View Full Version : My own worst enemy

16-09-12, 21:57
Hi guys.

Reading other users entries on NMP seems to be the only thing that puts my mind at rest.

I'm 19 and for just over a year, have been suffering from what I can assume is anxiety and panic attacks.
My first one happened around the same time as I left university after being stressed with the amount of work and it frightened me so much that I struggled to sleep afterwards. It was just a horrible spell of dizziness that made me feel like I was going to faint, but it was enough to pay a visit to the doctor. Who ruled it down to either an ear infection or stress after my blood pressure was slightly raised.

After that happened, I lost my grandpa to renal failure. He also had diabetes, angina and various other conditions due to being an alcoholic and having an extremely poor diet. We were extremely close and I think I was of the opinion that he was invincible, so his death was a horrible sense of reality for me.

In the last weeks he was alive and after his death, I had chest pains, numb feeling in my arms, pins and needles, dizziness, aches and pains through my back and shoulders and my neck. I also had night leg cramps etc. I should also mention that I am overweight. I ate a lot of take aways etc when at Uni but up until I was 14/15 I would say, I ate healthily and exercised but I am now extremely overweight and unfit.

My mum was a nurse before she became housebound with M.E and she has been a fantastic support in reassuring me that I am fine, but completely understands how realistic my symptoms feel and how scared I am through periods of anxiety.

My symptoms seemed to ease for a month or so until my gran then passed away a few months after my grandpa from a heart attack from alcohol and medication which she accidentally took in one night, so my anxiety over having a heart attack kicked back in. That was two months ago and I'm still getting random chest pains and am frightened to go to sleep for the fear of not waking up the next day.

My mum says my only immediate concern about my health should be type 2 diabetes and that a heart attack etc wouldnt take place for years to come if I continued to be the size I am with a poor diet and no exercise. I dont smoke and due to both of my grandparents outcomes, refuse to drink.

I've arranged an appointment with my doctor again to get my bloods done. My mum says it will be a good reassurance as she is confident nothing will come back from it but I'm literally petrified.

I've got health anxiety and I want nothing more than to know I'm ok, yet I'm scared to find out. I've been putting off going for ages as the doctor I seen after my grandpa died dismissed my symptoms as grief and pushed sleeping tablets at me when I had been having the symptoms months before my recent losses.

I also take my pulse no less than 5-10 times a day as well as squeezing things using my left hand to make sure I've not lost the power in it from a stroke or a heart attack.

I've not had debilitating chest pain, its more like a pressure or weight that I get, along with occasional tingling in my arms legs and back. I can pretty much get symptoms everywhere on my body, from twitching nerves in my hands to shooting pains up the back of my head.

I'm sure a lot of people suffer worse than myself, but its so scary when you're having these thoughts and mine seem to stick in my head for days or weeks at a time.

I want to get to a point where I can deal with my symptoms head on as getting worked up about them always seems to aggravate them.
Has anyone got any tips for this? Or anything that has worked for you in keeping calmer or finally recognising that your symptoms are not going to ultimately kill you?

Thank you to anyone who can help! I really appreciate and I appreciate reading all of the forum entries here. Its nice to know others are in the same boat, even though I wouldnt wish this on anyone.

16-09-12, 23:03
What about some exercise for a start ? If it's not enough to relieve tensions and brush away some of your health worries, then seek medical advice and maybe ask for CBT sessions.

17-09-12, 22:18
Hi Fred,

I've recently contacted a personal trainer who is going to work with me to gradually build up my fitness and ease the muscle tension :)


18-09-12, 00:07
Getting back in shape helps on so many levels, you won't regret it. And congrats for making the decision so fast ! :yesyes:

Given the recent hard times you've been through, your anxiety and worries seem more of the reactive kind and not yet pathological ones. Moreover you sound like you know what's going on and won't let them set in... That makes me quite confident you can get through without the usual meds and treatments.

So, happy sweating and suffering now ! ;) Let us know how it goes.