View Full Version : Worst i've ever felt, no hope

16-09-12, 21:58
I know this is the second post tonight, but my mood has deteriorated to it's lowest ever, I've never felt this bad. I just instantly became so depressed over nothing, I love my life at the moment as I believed the health anxiety was starting to go. Just suddenly tonight I felt like all the light had just drained from the world, I couldn't see any point in anything, I've never had thoughts of self harm or suicide before but tonight just everything started flooding in, I began to feel like I was going to die tonight, I have no symptoms apart from feeling very spaced out and not myself, there aren't any normal symptoms of anxiety apart from weak legs and a bit of a tight chest, but I am starting to get slight blurred vision and tension in the head and occasional muscle twitches. normally in this situation i'd get a panic attack but I just feel dark and depressed. I've had to stay with my aunt as my parents are away for two weeks, I feel I need somone watching over me for a little while. I'm going to book an emergency doctors appointment tomorrow so he/she can decide the best course of action, I just need some advice on what I can do.

I stopped 20mg of clomipramine a week ago as the side effects were too bad, could this be SSRI discontinuation syndrome or is the dose too low?


16-09-12, 22:17
You mean you stopped taking your meds ?? Quitting cold turkey would make you feel real bad for sure...

16-09-12, 22:21
But even at that low dose? I'm really not sure what could have brought this on :(

16-09-12, 22:22
I am really sorry you are having such a bad night tonight, I was the same a few nights ago and it is the most awful feeling but it will pass. Maybe the fact that you are in a different environment and not your own home is making it worse. Try to have a warm drink (chamomile tea is good if you have any) and an early night. Play some relaxing music. It is a good idea to make a doctors appointment. sending you :hugs: Hope you start to feel better soon x

16-09-12, 22:34
My bad, didn't pay attention to the dose. Could be discontinuation related though, or simply one of those bad days :hugs:

16-09-12, 22:35
I mean, this was incredibly bad, i've had bad days but this was something new, something really dark, I'm a little more lucid now but I think I'll need some medication in the long run, i'm too out of it to respond to CBT at the moment.

16-09-12, 22:47
You're right, for CBT to be effective you've to be a bit more relaxed, or less edgey at least.
A doc appointment is a good idea, and if you're put back on meds just try to deal with the side effects for a couple of days. I can assure you it usually gets better.

16-09-12, 22:50

Im having a bad one too....Def speak to your GP...I came cold turkey off 2 meds and found it all a bit tough on the anxiety....


16-09-12, 23:09
It's more anxiety than depression really, what meds would you reccomend, with the least side effects, and the highest rate of recovery from anxiety etc... obviously it's the doctors call but clomipramine did me more harm than good

Out of curiousity is there any way I can be sure i'm not dying...

16-09-12, 23:26
A drug can be effective for some and not for others, same for side effects, unfortunately you really can't tell before you try.

As for your last question, well... if you find out you please let us know ;)
The thing is people with anxiety hate uncertainty, but living implies accepting it.

17-09-12, 11:06
Just been to the doctors, i've been told there's apsoloutely nothing "physically" wrong with me, which I believe totally, however, My fears are now drifting towards mentally feeling just spaced out, the world seems like a darker more unforgiving place, I don't know if anyone can relate, everything looks exactly the same, but feels a lot darker. Anyway, I'm off to see a phsychiatrist tomorrow who may or may not prescribe me some meds, which are what I need right now. I'll be stopping at my aunt's until my parents get back just so someone can watch over me, so that's certainly a relief. I just fear when the next bout of depression will come on, this is now turning into depression as well as the health anxiety, anyone know any coping strategies?

17-09-12, 11:19
Pleased you have got the reassurance from your doctor :) I know what you mean, I just feel like there is a sort of dark cloud hanging over me all the time, it is difficult to explain but I just tell myself "every cloud has a silver lining!" I think the best way to cope is to try to do something to distract you from how you are feeling. I know that is hard when you don't feel motivated to do anything but once I make myself do something I start to feel a bit better. Craft activities, going for a walk...I have even started to write out my Christmas cards!! :hugs:

17-09-12, 11:23
I've had 5 different GP's and countless others tell me theres nothing wrong, plus I had a blood test and everything seems fine, blood pressure, heart rate, brain etc, but I can garuntee by tonight I'll be worrying again :(

has any medication really worked for anyone, I can put up with anything as long as I don't feel tired or spaced out, that's what gets me :/

17-09-12, 11:26
My medication works for me most of the time until something traumatic occurs to trigger the anxiety again, then I just take an extra tablet until I feel well again. I have just posted a thread about my meds as I don't know anyone else who takes the same as me, they have never been mentioned on here.

17-09-12, 11:59
Something rather odd just happened. Just been stung by a wasp and it was the worst "physical" pain i've ever felt, but actually took my mind off my problems for a little while.
I'm ready to take the steps to get better, i'm honestly open to the idea of trying anything right now, I need to get better ASAP.

17-09-12, 12:03
hmmm...maybe the cure for anxiety is in a wasp sting! I am pleased that you are feeling more positive today and hope it continues :hugs:

17-09-12, 15:22
I don't know why but I've just sat and uncontrollably cried for the last half hour feeling the lowest I've ever felt, then just now I feel strangely optomistic, I don't know what's wrong with me :(

---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

I'm genuinely scared i'm gonna get suicidal thoughts, if i'm not already dying...

---------- Post added at 15:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

I'm genuinely scared i'm gonna get suicidal thoughts, if i'm not already dying...

17-09-12, 15:49
I have had times like that in the past few weeks and my husband asks why I am crying and my answer is I really don.t know, just because I am scared of how I am feeling. Just keep telling your self that you can overcome this. I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well and that you will be given the help that you need :hugs:

17-09-12, 17:12
I'm pretty lucid currently but I know by the time it gets dark i'll be upset again, I had loads of stuff planned but now I just feel like sleeping, I hope I get something sorted to get me on the road to recovery tomorrow

17-09-12, 17:15
I hope so too, let me know how you get on with your appointment and hope you manage to get some rest tonight. Try to relax and listen to some calming music. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-09-12, 17:37
Do you think a run would help, I'm a little aprehensive about leaving the house but I know a bit of excersize always puts me in good spirits

17-09-12, 17:44
If that is what usually puts you in good spirits then I would go out and do it...anything to distract you from your negative thoughts is good :)

17-09-12, 17:44
Just read this post and have felt exactly the same. Am normally a really happy person but have just felt this darkness over me for the past couple of weeks which I have never had before. im not sure if im down or wether its more intrusive thoughts due to anxiety. I have gone back onto 20mg of citalopram which has worked wonders in the past. I found running really helpful in the past and am starting back up at the gym tomorrow. Good luck, I know its a horrible feeling :unsure:

17-09-12, 21:17
Citalopram is actually the meds I was gonna ask the doctor about, seems the norm really, I've been off my meds for a week so that can't really help, i've been relatively lucid for the last 4 and a bit hours so at least it's not constant, I'm really tired but I'm gonna wait till 10-11 and get a good 9 hours asleep, then got my appointment at, fingers crossed

---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ----------

Just got back from the gym, did 15 mins flat out sprinting which apsoloutely exhausted me! come back and my anxiety is pretty high, as opposed to the depression I felt last night, my throat feels a little blocked, although it isn't difficult to breathe or anything, I find it a little difficult to focus on things ( unless i'm on my computer, strangely ) having the odd muscle twitch here and there, feel a bit fuzzy and unsteady on my feet and just not with it, like the world around me feels different... but I'm just gonna see how I am in the morning, scaring myself slightly reading through the med diaries, especially citalopram and prozac, but hell, whatever it takes to get better, gonna have myself a bath, watch a bit of telly, and have a good night's sleep, see how I manage in the morning.