View Full Version : Breathless

01-08-06, 13:52
I have been breathless for about 2/3 weeks now, does this subside eventually? it's really starting to bug me!!!

I have been really anxious and very panicy over the last 2 days.


01-08-06, 14:06
Hi Liz

Yes, this does subside eventually.
Have you tried any relaxation techniques?

Elaine x

01-08-06, 14:16
Hi there, sorry you feel a little rough right now, it will subside soon, all the weather changes, the pollen, and definately the anxiety make this so much worse. Things will get better, as suggested try not to focus too much on your breathing, i do that at times and truly end up not being able to breathe properly, then i get scared and breathing becomes worse!! take care and keep in touch x

01-08-06, 15:43
Hi, this may be obvoius but I expect your breathlessness with ease and go when you relax- as you have been particularly anxious over the past 2 days it will have prolonged it. I recently read a Dr. Claire Weekes books and the thing that helped me most was that she said you must accept your anxiety, not fight it. The same would probably apply to specific symptons like shortness of breath.

Keep going,
