View Full Version : Anybody have asthma?

Matt King
16-09-12, 22:34
Hey guys.

I haven't posted for a while mainly because my health anxiety has almost been non existent and i've actually been getting involved with my life :yesyes:

One thing which is still bugging me though is my breathing. I've never had asthma but ever since i gave up smoking (and my health anxiety started up i should add), i've noticed a wheezing in my breathing. It feels like my throat has closed up a bit sometimes as well, although i'm sure that could easily be due to being over aware of it.

Whenever i try to get back into a light exercise routine my dry cough (which has been present for about a month, maybe longer on and off) seems to get a lot worse. Also it sometimes feels a bit difficult to get a full breath and i get quite out of breath after exerting myself. Especially walking uphill/cardio. When i take a deep breath i need to cough etc.

I've mentioned the wheezing to my GP a few times and usually get told it's either being over aware of my breathing or hayfever. I take an anti-histamine everyday anyway and have never had wheeziness with hayfever before.

I'm not asking for a diagnosis, just wondering whether anybody has had similar symptoms and also has anxiety but no asthma. Or if you have asthma i'd appreciate your opinion of course :)

Also, i'm not quite sure how to get my GP to take me seriously if i want to be tested for asthma. Always feel like i get palmed off as a hypochondriac which always puts me off going :/

17-09-12, 00:05

Did your GP listen to your chest?

Im pretty sure that your throat closing sensation maybe the anxiety whe your thinking about the wheezing and breathless feeling....

The weathers been changing a lot, I do tend to have this problem every now and again but I have allergies and sinus issues....

You've given up smoking! Well Done!

Your lungs maybe trying to clear up....are you coughing up any mucus etc?


17-09-12, 07:27
Asthma could be possible especially if there is a wheeze present. Keep a diary with when you feel the wheezing then present it to the doctors on your next visit.

Matt King
17-09-12, 21:00
Thanks for the replies :)

Yeah i went to a walk in GP clinic a few months ago when i started experiencing acid reflux which, along with a tight chest and shortness of breath freaked me out a bit and the GP listened to my chest then. She said she couldn't hear any wheezing and doubted that i had asthma even with the symptoms i'd explained.

The dry cough doesn't bring anything up. I gave up smoking over seven months now and didn't cough anything up after about 3 months. I think if it's anything it's mild asthma at the worst. I'll keep a log of when it's at it's worst. Just don't fancy it getting in the way of getting back into shape.

If the cough and wheezing persists or gets worse for another couple of weeks i'll take a trip to the doctors. It could just be a small infection i guess. Thanks again for the replies :)

17-09-12, 21:09
If it is asthma it could be a seasonal thing like mine is. Mine only ever plays up with cold air, so as you can imagine the winter months are fun for me.

My asthma clinic nurse has always said to me if you have a cough which is more prominent at night time, and it lasts for more than 3 days then go get checked out. Also there is such a thing as exercise induced asthma. However if you really are wanting to keep fitness up, swimming is a godsend.

Try inhaling steam to see if it releases any kind of mucus for you that may well help. Also if it really is just a dry cough try something over the counter to see if it that helps.