View Full Version : Newby!

01-08-06, 13:58
Hi guys,
My name is Lynn and I have suffered from panic attacks since I was about 13. I have really stressful periods in my life that I can overcome without a single panick attack and then have resonably quiet periods that are riddled with anxiety and panic!
I have just moved to Dorset with my boyfriend and have started to suffer again badly. I am also a constant worrier about my health and this is the main reason I have panic attacks because I wind myself up so much! I have lower back pain at the moment and i am convinced it is cancer! Off to the doctors again this afternoon, have only lived here 3 weeks and already been to the doctors 3 times! Sorry to seem like Iam making a joke of it but when iam not panicing or feeling anxious it becomes apparant to me that iam just being silly, i wish this was enough to make it stop but it isnt.
No on a serious note I have had a nasty panic attack this morning and have taken some comfort from finding this forum, hopeing to meet others like myself to confide in,

01-08-06, 14:02
Hi Lynnie

Welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here.
Hope you are feeling better after this morning

Take care

Elaine x

01-08-06, 14:33
Hi there, sorry you are feeling bad right now, don't worry about visiting the doctors, they will be able to reassure you and then maybe set your mind at ease, just a little? Moving house is one of the most stressfull events that can happen so no wonder you are feeling anxious at the moment. I would almost guarantee that your lower back pain is due to lifting things and arranging furniture in your new house, not cancer! I also believe, in times of stress, we tend to cope, then when things quieten downs...then the panic strikes?Have a good look around the site, there is tons of useful information, take care and keep in touch. x

01-08-06, 14:35
hi lynn
like you i constantly worry about my health, and now have to try so hard not to go to the docs. its as if we constantly need reassurance then the ache or pain or strange feeling will go.
At the moment i feel as if ive got a brain tumour or am going to have a stroke, i feel dizzy and sick, but ive told myself that im not going to the docs, i feel they wont take me seriously.

when i moved house, like you i went to the docs all the time, incase the new doc would find something the old one missed!
its very stressful moving and adjusting, more so when you have panic.

give yourself a bit of time honey, hope you feel a bit better now

luv tracie


01-08-06, 15:00
Welcome aboard, Lynnie.

As others have suggested, I'm sure that this is just extra stress caused by the house move.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-08-06, 15:50
Hi Lynn. I know what you mean as I also get worried about my health, when something small happens to me my mind magnifies it out of proportion and suddenly I think I have some terrible thing wrong with me.
About a year ago I suffered a lot of migraines, brought on by high pressure of work, a small son and some domestic difficulty, I was so convinced I had a brain tumour growing in my head that I had to have an MRI scan to convince me my brain (if not my mind) was OK.
I think that if you do panic then we are very likely to think about and mull over small pains more than someone who is, say, very laid back. Its really hard to get over, really hard, but sometimes it is worth talking to the doctor (providing they understand) about your worries as if they are a good doctor they will discuss it with you.
Feel free to mail me if it helps at all.

01-08-06, 16:04
Hi Lynn

Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of help here.


01-08-06, 17:05
Hi Lynnie !:D

And a BIG welcome to the forum.



01-08-06, 17:24
welcome lynne
good to hear from you dont worry we are all the same
any little itch and catastrophies come to mind

01-08-06, 20:13
Hi Lynn

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.


01-08-06, 23:05

I'm new to this site as well & I suffer in the same way as you regarding heath anxiety.

I also moved to a completely new area a year ago, where I didnt know a soul.. I suffered anxiety for a few weeks after moving, it calmed down though.

I am suffering again now though, I have worked out the trigger but now I need to go through those few weeks/months of hell for it to settle again, everyday is getting better, but the trigger reared its ugly head tonight & now I have back ache & chest ache....I know its anxiety, I'm actually telling myself its that cos I'm far too scared to go to the doctor, I have only been to see my new doctor the once & didnt really like him. So it puts me off going.

Hope things settle for you soon.


polly daydream
01-08-06, 23:52
Hi lynnie and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


02-08-06, 10:24
Welcome to the forum Lynnie


Best wishes


02-08-06, 10:36

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-08-06, 11:39
Hi Lynnie,

A big warm welcome to you. I too suffer from health anxiety. Hope we can reassure each other.

Take Care


03-08-06, 14:28
Hi guys,
Thanks for all your lovely replies, I hope one day I will be able to help some of you with your problems! Thanks again,

03-08-06, 16:43
Hi Lyneti

Welcome to the site :D:D

best wishes :D
Denise [8D]

03-08-06, 20:18
I can sympathise. Eventually I managed to worry less about every little thing You will too, just try to keep busy, make some new friends and use this site for reassurance. I have found it brill so far and have not been here long.
Good luck