View Full Version : It's back - Reasurrance please

17-09-12, 07:12
Hey Guys

Sorry not posted for a while but have been reading:)

I have been slightly stressed lately and had a bit too much to drink last Sunday which has brought on my anxiety and panic all week. I was ill approx 3 years ago and suffered terribly for approx 4 weeks! I have been on 20mg of Citalopram and don't want to put my dosage up, I managed to get 14 diazepam from my doctors and have only had to use 2 so far.

I am sure that drinking session opened the door to all my previous anxieties.

I just need a bit of assurance that this will go as quick as it came, it's making me feel depressed this time.

Jackie x

17-09-12, 09:56
Trust me you will get over this okay?! .. This happened to me too, for a few days I felt like I was back at my worst, rock bottom, and I felt like I wouldn't get myself back. But I did! Keep focusing on the reason this has happened. It was just the alcohol messing with you. This isnt you at all and soon enough you will feel much better again.
You will get through this. Just a blip.

Let us know how you get on. :)

17-09-12, 10:44

I am currently have high anxiety panic at the for which i\ have had for 3 weeks again, have sufffered before many years of the horrible thing.

I to am on meds, and the doc as given me diazepam 2mg and I am really bad at taking tablets it plays on my mind, but I was in such a bad place I took the diazepam and it does take the edge off this gets me through the day. dont get me wrong some of the thoughts are still there but less anxious.

so try the diazepam:bighug1 if you had a headache you would take paracetamol thats how I try to look at it.

17-09-12, 10:53
Hi people

Thanks so much for your replies. I keep telling myself that I feel a little better than yesterday. I am havin occasional instrusive thoughts like "am I always gonna be like this" "I cant cope" etc. But i keep telling myself its the anxiety and it will pass.

My husband is very supportive, I am making myself stick to my routine with work etc so I dont slip into being scared.

Jackie x

17-09-12, 11:43
Hi Jackie Pleased you have a supportive husband, I have too and that really helps. You have got through this before so you can do it again. My anxiety has just returned after 1 year without it but I just keep telling myself I have beat it before so I can do it again :hugs:

17-09-12, 12:46
Hi Annie0904

Yes husbands a great:)

We will get through this. I have a habit of trying to rush things instead of taking one day at a time, eg by next week I will be back to normal, but trying not to do that incase it doesnt happen. My husband said I am always like this when Autumn comes for a little while, didnt notice it before.

Jackie x

17-09-12, 12:48
I wonder if a light box would help you when it gets to this time of year? I bought one a few years ago and usually start to use it from the start of October.

18-09-12, 07:44
Hi Guys

Had a good afternoon but anxiety back with avengence this morning! As I am a heavy drinker I cannot cut the booze down completely so have been having half a pint of beer every night and I am still feeling crap. Really do hope these horrible feelings pass soon, feels like my life wont be back and I will never be normal. I am just existing each day waiting for it to pass:(

Jackie x

18-09-12, 12:03
Help! Just had a wobbly at work managed to get through it has left me dark, anxious and miserable:)

I had just taken my 20mg of Citalopram, I am thinking of seeing the Doctor and reducing to 10mg over the course of the next few weeks, what do you think?

Jackie x

18-09-12, 12:06
Think positive...you got through it! :) I am not sure about reducing your meds if you are still feeling anxious but discussing it with your doctor is a good idea :hugs:

18-09-12, 12:18
Thanks for your support hun:) does the light box work?

18-09-12, 12:28
In the months when we don't get so much sunlight, it replaces the light and makes you feel better. I have the 'britebox' it is quite expensive but you can get cheaper ones if you google it you will find more about them. Some of them are called SAD light box (seasonal affective disorder). I use mine for 20 minutes each morning.

---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 ----------

oops I misread what you asked, I told you how it works and you asked does it work? It does make me feel better but I guess everyone is different. maybe it would be worth posting a thread to see if any one else has tried it.

18-09-12, 12:53
Thanks hun will have a look at getting one:)

My hubby is taking me to Dorset for 4 days by the sea with our 2 little dogs. I am getting anxious about that now as I don't want to be a state and ruin his holiday, it is in a couple of weeks x

18-09-12, 12:59
I always get anxious before I go on holiday but I am usually ok once I get there. Just keep telling yourself that the break will do you good! I hope you both have a lovely time :)

18-09-12, 19:08
this is how recovery works one step forward two back but it will get better it will take time but it will get easier i never thought it would but now i get more good then bad days and so will you when you get your setbacks remeber it went before and will again

19-09-12, 08:25
Hi Guys

Had a great afternoon yesterday, managed to not wake up until 6.30 this morning but arghh anxiety and panic hit me as soon as my eyes opened:(

My husband did say though that I was a little better than yesterday morning. Still managing to get into work for a couple of hours, just wish this would go.

Jackie x

20-09-12, 07:45
Hi Guys

Woke up this morning with slight anxiety but a bit better than yesterday. I am now anxious that it is just a short relief and it will all come back again:(

Jackie x

20-09-12, 08:46
Me too Jackie, the last 2 days I have felt much better and wish I could think 'I am fine now' instead of how long before it gets worse again! Positive thinking is what we need to do :)

20-09-12, 09:18
Hi Annie0904

Great to hear that you are feeling better:)

I was fine until I went for a walk with the dogs then I started thinking I have a little break in a week, what if it returns then and I cant cope. I have cut out my trigger which is alcohol, now I am thinking what if it returns with no alcohol am I going to suffer for ever:(


20-09-12, 09:31
You really need to try to think more positive ie. "I am going on a break with my husband and it will really do me some good and the little dogs are going to love it!" I know going away always makes me really anxious but I always tell myself I will be fine when I get there, the first day is usually a bit difficult for me but then it usually makes me feel better. It is negative thoughts that cause our anxiety. Yesterday one of my friends said he was going to take me out for dinner and I panicked and said "what if I am ill when I get there...what if I don't feel like eating it?" He convinced me I would be fine and I didn't have to eat it all and if I was ill we would leave (he has been a family friend for a long time so knows what I am like!) I went and enjoyed it, it wasn't busy and I soon relaxed but my anxiety still told me I shouldn't eat the full meal or I would be ill! The main thing is I went and didn't panic so that was a big achievement for me. Think positive :hugs::hugs:

20-09-12, 13:47
Hi all, I am also suffering with anxiety =. I have just started a new job so im low in confidence. I have had several bouts of anxiety and have got through it so I can do it again.

20-09-12, 13:57
Hi Robin70

New jobs are always like that, unfamiliar surroundings and people. You seem quite positive though. I have got through them but at the moment my brain keeps hanging onto the thought that i will always be like this:(


23-09-12, 12:05
Hi Guys

Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for all of you who read my post last week and kept me positive, today (at least) I feel a bit better.

Jackie x