View Full Version : agoraphobic and pregnant

17-09-12, 07:51
I am going to be 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow..i suffer from agoraphobia and its so hard to not be able to take klonapin..that helps with my anxiety alot! The father of the baby does not live with me and he is so non understanding about it! i havnt seen him in almost a month due to the agoraphobia since he has no car and he was going to come over tonight but he wanted me to pick him up when u knows its basically impossible for me to do so...i have an 18 yr old that lives with me and shes more than willing to go pick him up but he just wont have that! Im getting lonely and just dont know what to do anymore!!! HELP PLZ

17-09-12, 08:17
It must be terrible for you ): I had a terrible pregancy with my little boy, who is 9 now, that made me want to just stay behind closed doors as my anxiety was so bad. I'm not normally agoraphobic but looking back to that time and all the hormones in my body, I totally feel for you.
Congratulatiosn btw, really hope the next few weeks fly by for you (: xxx

17-09-12, 08:20
Thank u karenp its been really hard...i cant wait untill she is born so i can start healing! :)