View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

Mr T
17-09-12, 09:27

I am looking at the possibility of coming off Citalopram (20mg once a day) as the side effects of them are starting to irritate me (falling to sleep early, non-existent sex drive etc.) and I don’t want to be reliant on AD’s for longer than I have to. This forum was recommended to me by a friend as a place for advice on the situation.
I’ve been on AD’s for nearly four years now (Amitriptyline for just under 3 years and Citalopram for a year), so I was wondering :-
Is there any recommended way of coming off Citalopram?
What type of side effects I should expect?
Will the “side effects”, will they just wear off once the AD is out of my system?

Thanks in advance.

little scientist
17-09-12, 09:31
Firstly, I would consult your GP before considering reducing your citalopram.

It needs to be done slowly to reduce the chances of experiencing withdrawl effects. I think I read somewhere else on here that reducing dose by more than 5mg per 2 weeks can increase withdrawl effects......

I have come off citalopram before (back on it now due to some life events) and the slowness of the stopping the tablets helped greatly, with few side effects as the medication was reduced in my system.

Hope that helps :)

Mr T
17-09-12, 09:40
Thanks for that.

I've contacted my GP and got an appointment for later today (which is shocking in itself - usually have to wait a million years to get an appointment), so I'll pop back when I've spoken to them.

I just feel that my head is in the right place now to deal with life without AD's, so I hope today can be the first day of working my way off of them :)

Thanks again for your help.

17-09-12, 10:00
Definitely come off them slowly. I was irresponsible and didn't make an appointment for more tablets but decided that I was okay in myself now. After three days I was back to how I was. All in all I was off them about 8 days, I was on 10mg then. Because it messed me up pretty bad I am now on 20mg. I dont want this to happen to you so please do it slowly! You will reap the benefits :)

Mr T
17-09-12, 11:18
Thanks for all the help and advice.

I was considering just dropping them and then sitting it out, then I remembered how I felt if I just missed one day (like I had been on a long drinking session), so I decided to consult the Doctor.

17-09-12, 11:30
I've tapered off Citalopram 3 times and never felt a thing so you should be ok darl. I was on 40mg's last time and went to 30, then 20 but stayed on 10 for a couple of years. I have come off it quickly though too and was fine. (:

17-09-12, 13:13
Mr T,
Today is the start of my fourth week off cit' (see my other posts) I went cold turkey,for many of the the same reasons as you ! I seem to be over the worst side effects, but in hindsight, I think a slower drop ('twas on 40mg per-day) would have been better. I have had a few bad days, angry, stroppy and irritable, plus the well documented 'fireworks in the head' and 'salt cellar syndrome' but, 'though I am only starting, we will have to see what this week brings. Good luck, best to see your Doc first (I went after a week). Meditation and yoga has certainly helped along the way, and being able to tell others how you feel is a big plus. Oh, and check out your local Wellbeing Team (NHS) Talking Therapy is a good idea if it is in your area.
Best wishes Diggory :yesyes:

17-09-12, 13:35
Thanks for all the help and advice.

I was considering just dropping them and then sitting it out, then I remembered how I felt if I just missed one day (like I had been on a long drinking session), so I decided to consult the Doctor.

Yes you're doing the right thing. Just dropping them immediately is a bad idea unless there is a specific reason and the doctor tells you to do that.

Mr T
17-09-12, 13:56
Thanks for all the advice :yahoo:

Mr T,
Today is the start of my fourth week off cit' (see my other posts) I went cold turkey,for many of the the same reasons as you ! I seem to be over the worst side effects, but in hindsight, I think a slower drop ('twas on 40mg per-day) would have been better. I have had a few bad days, angry, stroppy and irritable, plus the well documented 'fireworks in the head' and 'salt cellar syndrome' but, 'though I am only starting, we will have to see what this week brings. Good luck, best to see your Doc first (I went after a week). Meditation and yoga has certainly helped along the way, and being able to tell others how you feel is a big plus. Oh, and check out your local Wellbeing Team (NHS) Talking Therapy is a good idea if it is in your area.
Best wishes Diggory :yesyes:

Thanks for that.

I've been through the Wellbeing Team (took 2yrs on a waiting list to get an appoinment, from being diagnosed with depression/anxiety) and the CBT helped a bit.

Mr T
17-09-12, 18:07
Well just got back from the doctors and he talked about alternatives to the Citalopram, but he said that I am likely to have the same side effects on most AD's. After talking through my progress, he was happy to recommend coming off them (didn't even need prompting). He has recommended that I take the 20mg on alternate days for the next month and then stop. If I notice any issues, then I am to go back to the doctors.

Thanks for all the help, it is greatly appreciated.

17-09-12, 21:45
Mr T,
The side effects of citalopram have irritated me too, I've been chopping mine in half for the last 2 months or so and just taken 10mg and it's been much easier getting up for work in a morning.
I've had absolutely no side effects going from 20 to 10mg, just a little dubious now knocking off the last 10mg.
Good luck!

little scientist
18-09-12, 15:04
Mr T, something I did when I was coming off mine, was I took 20mg tabs and 10mg tabs on alternate days, so it was less of a shock to my sistem than doing 20mgs every other day :) that may help :)

18-09-12, 19:40
Good luck Mr T - echo all of the above - take it slloowwwlly!
I am going through the same thing, reducing from 20mg in stages. I've been reducing by 5mg each time and am now stuck on 10mg.
I went to 15mg for 4 weeks (by biting a 10mg tab in half), then to 10mg where I have stayed. Happy here - having trouble taking the next step!!

Mr T
18-09-12, 19:58
Thanks for all the responses and advice.

Today was the first day of no Citalopram and to be honest I feel good. Not tired like I usually get (usually struggling to stay awake at this hour). Obviously it is very early into the reduction, but the early signs are promising.

19-09-12, 00:03
Mr T,
I would echo some of the thoughts about having a smaller dose on alternate days for a while to see if you notice any change. I did try this but it did not work for me. I think every person reacts to their own circumstances. Just because I have been able to cold turkey from 40mg now is probably because I'm in a better place than before. However, I am still expecting a blip along the line. I'm also in a better position to be aware of the pit falls of the past.
Good luck !

Mr T
25-10-12, 18:40
Thanks Diggory.

I thought I would update this:

I reacted badly to the day on day off. I ended up really ill and unable to work. I tried to struggle through, but I ended up back at the doctors as I was close to passing out.

I went back to the doctors and they changed the withdrawal schedule. He put me back on Cit @ 20mg for 4 weeks and then recommended that after 4 weeks I reduced it down to 10mg (snapping the tablet in half) for 4 weeks and then do 5mg for 4 weeks.

So far I am 6 days into the 10mg stage and I feel fine. The first 2 days I ended up feeling rough, but I assume that is due to the reduced Cit, but by Monday I had improved greatly.